Ipad Wifi issues..anyone else?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 29, 2005
Well Im on my second Ipad and Im actually going to return this one today also.
Mine refuses to connect to the network after coming out of sleep. It will only connect if i go into settings and turn the wifi on and off and back on again.

In my apt I have an Xbox 360, WII, Iphone, Nexus One phone, Ipod touch and Asus Netbook. All find and connect to the network without issue.

Anyone else having any of the wifi problems with theirs?
Quite a few people are having the same issues. Apple has a support notice out about it for ways you can solve it.
I had the same problem with rejoining my network after returning from sleep....but after reading a topic on apples forums it completely went away after I turned up the brightness setting from minimum.

At default brightness it was too bright and caused a lot of strain for my eyes so I turned it down to minimum while auto-brightness left on. It was after that I saw it wouldn't reconnect automatically after waking up.

So I followed the suggestions from over at the apple forums and moved the slider up a little bit (about quarter of the way....but I guess it just needs to be taken off the minimum just by a hair for it to work).

Try this and see if it works for you. Hope it helps.
Did all that. Problem still persisted. ....just returned it for full refund