IP camera as baby monitor?


Limp Gawd
Apr 11, 2005
I am looking for a ip camera for a baby monitor, i would like to use it in low to no light conditons, any idea if these would be ok for my needs,if so can you reccomend me one(the more affordable the better)
Wouldn't a baby monitor itself be cheaper since ip cameras are targeted at a different/more expensive audience (i.e enterprise/business)?
A quick search results with this.
Here's a list of all ethernet cameras.
I guess the OP didnt specify if they wanted to monitor the baby from the next room or from away from home.
I picked up a Linksys WVC200 when our son was born. We tend to spend most of our time downstairs, and his room is located upstairs.

Worked well for the purpose we needed, has decent low light resolution and the audio is good too. Remote pan and tilt is a big plus that I liked about it.

Don't have as much use for it these days as he's 15 months now, but sure did have a lot of fun with it. Was also nice to setup and allow the family a remote login to see what was going on. Had the unit mounted above the crib.

Wireless worked ok, a bit of a lag over the Internet even with QOS, but wired connection showed no problems at all.

You might want to check it out here.

If you want, I could probably hook it back up this weekend and let you have a peek at the web based front for it, so you'd have a better idea of the type of features it has. Hope that info helps you, and enjoy the experience!

Edit: I should point out that you'll not have luck with the WVC200 in no light conditions. The audio will work fine, but don't expect crap for the picture.
The reason i am looking for a ip camera was the fact that video moniters for babies all have bad reviews imo. Most say the picture isnt clear,or sound cracks, or draws interferance from phones etc,and that range is abd as well.
The advantage of the ip camera to me is that i can view the cam from my laptop at night, or any room in the house or yard. As a perk i would also use it for security a moniter while we are away.
I guess my biggest issue with the ip cam looks like i will have a problem with no light conditons,however i will check out the wvc200.
Think if you are out somewhere, and you have a babysitter. What's wrong with checking in on them from somewhere else? That's a very good idea IMO.
we just kept the crib next to our bed in our bedroom, and when we werent in the bedroom she was with us wherever we were so we never needed a camera to watch her....i dont quite get the application..?? never a babysitter in my house, one of us just always stayed home or we all went wherever we went....one or both of us has been with them (both of them) from day one
any one got any economical suggestions for a infra red ip cam with mic,,,i found a camera called y-cam black but it has to be imported from the uk at around 325US plus shipping..
wtf?!? :confused:
whats so funny about that?

Think if you are out somewhere, and you have a babysitter. What's wrong with checking in on them from somewhere else? That's a very good idea IMO.

Yeah, I don't see the funniness either. What I meant was that... Maybe one of the parents wants to see the baby from work. etc.
I agree

IP camera would be fine for a baby monitor.
I've had a webcam hooked up to an old laptop thats been running for over 400 days. If you got any stuff laying around it could be setup that way, with some webcamXP or other security software. Might not be as nice as an IP camera but it still works.
I use the Linksys WVC200. IT has wireless and wired connections. I wired my entire house with CAT6 so that is what I use. About once every month or two I have to unplug it and plug it back in to work but it works great. I can view my son sleeping from any computer in the house. It has sound too, although the sound will be a 1 second delay. Open a port on your firewall and you can watch him at work. It even has preset positions so you can view the door, bed, chair, etc with a single click.