Inventory Solution?


Limp Gawd
Aug 27, 2002
My uncle owns an automotive remanufacturing shop, rebuilding alternators, starters, axles, stuff like that.
He has a lot of stuff on shelves, and wants to keep track of it all, so he can eventually sell them on ebay or a website. Im in the process of doing a physical inventory count, and am entering them into quickbooks inventory system. However, the quickbooks inventory is semi-hard to use, and I dont like it that much. What alternatives exist? Keep in mind that the people working here are not very computer savy.

Here are some examples of what I want to do:
Each part has a number. That number corresponds to a car, or more than one car, depending on the situation. Each part also has a price (obviously), and there is also a quantity for the part. Someone should be able to search by part number, or part (or all) of the part description. Searching for 13396 should yeild:

Part #13396
Type: Alternator
Description: 92 Lexus/Toyota V6 3L
Qty: 1
Price: 120.00

A search for 92 Lexus should also yeild this.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Forgot to mention, I can export the entire current inventory into excel (if that helps anything )