Inventory apps?


Aug 14, 2010
Any suggestions for inventory tracking/cataloguing apps?

Twofold purpose, for which I seek --

First, I have a number of things I'm needing to sell (on a quasi-rotating basis), and it would be nice to know inventory in a centralized location. Second, I'd like to catalogue my house belongings for insurance purposes.

I've been googling around, but it looks like the programs out there (or at least what I'm finding) are pretty subpar. At least, most of them look like Win3.1 dinosaurs (not that a pretty GUI necessarily makes a good program, of course).

There's always Excel, of course, but I'm hoping there's a bit more of an "automated" program.

And perhaps most hopeful of all (and maybe this doesn't even exist) -- a fantastic feature I'm seeking is the ability to walk around with my android phone, cataloguing items, and having the phone app sync up with my desktop. There's an android app called Inventory Tracker which seems to do this, but it doesn't look like it does any syncing with a desktop; looks like it's just in-phone.

I realize one could still do this piece by piece, using the phone to take pictures of the items, using a separate app for barcode scanning, copying data into Google Docs, etc. But it would be brilliant if there was an app that could do all of this in one go.

Maybe it'll be a matter of having to write it myself :)