Intro BF 2142


Oct 11, 2006
I am looking into this game, but before I do I want some thoughts on it.
Also hoping this can be a helpful thread for everyone.

~Thoughts on the game, first impressions, impression after playing awhile?
~Tips/tricks for beginners to get started & ready.
~Any other thoughts you want to share.
What I want is to be able to skip all the intros at the beginning of the game... :p
animaldude89 said:
lol you cant..................sorry
You most certainly can.

When I launch it goes right to server selection and autologs me in as well.This is what you do:

STEP 1(replace xxxxxx with your password and username and soldiername)(This is what your icon should launch)(also you can use whatever resolution you want. I am using 1600x1200)
"C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield 2142\BF2142.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1600 +szy 1200 +eaAccountName xxxxxx +eaAccountPassword xxxxxx +soldierName xxxxxx

Rename all the .bik file in C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield 2142\mods\bf2142\Movies to .bik2

Basically what this does is skip all intro movies as well as automatically log you in to your server as well as choose your soldier. As soon as you launch this icon your ready to select your server and play!

Glad to be of assistance.
do you know why im having my problem? evertime i play for like ten minutes it kicks me of and says ive been disconnected to the ea master server?
You can also look at the Tweak Guides website. there are alot of tips and tricks to getting the most out of BF2142, and alot of other games for that matter.

Many people have the disconnect problem w/ this game. I bet anything you are running behind a router. You're only choices are to disable your firewall in the router, make it a DMZ, or remove it altogether from your network. A few people have had luck when they open all the ports the game requires, but not me.

I set my router as a DMZ and haven't had the problem since. Not exactly a recommended solution though, since it leaves you wide open on the internet.

Its possible that the patch at the end of the month will fix this.
dborden said:
You most certainly can.

When I launch it goes right to server selection and autologs me in as well.This is what you do:

STEP 1(replace xxxxxx with your password and username and soldiername)(This is what your icon should launch)(also you can use whatever resolution you want. I am using 1600x1200)
"C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield 2142\BF2142.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1600 +szy 1200 +eaAccountName xxxxxx +eaAccountPassword xxxxxx +soldierName xxxxxx

Rename all the .bik file in C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield 2142\mods\bf2142\Movies to .bik2

Basically what this does is skip all intro movies as well as automatically log you in to your server as well as choose your soldier. As soon as you launch this icon your ready to select your server and play!

Glad to be of assistance.
