Internet VPN public providers


Limp Gawd
Aug 26, 2003
Does anyone have any input or feedback on my idea to find a private internet provider? I want a provider that allows me to create a site-to-site VPN tunnel to their facilities, I want to then route all of my internet traffic from my comcast/verizon/tier 1 provider data over their tunnel and out to the internet.
What's your scenario? Do you need to cloak your IP address? Do you mistrust your current ISP? Why would you trust another?

What are your trying to protect against?
No reason in particular. I was just researching this scenario to see if it was possible.
You could do this easily by co-locating a firewall someplace. A lot of ISPs even offer virtual firewalls. So you'd just need a contract with them and manage the firewall via a web portal.

But then instead of all your unencrypted data going out the pipe at your office, it'd go out the pipe someplace else.

The anonymity problem you're trying to solve isn't solved at all, it's just moved.

If you are really worried, you'd route as much traffic as possible through TOR.
The anonymity problem you're trying to solve isn't solved at all, it's just moved.

If you are really worried, you'd route as much traffic as possible through TOR.

As much traffic as possible while not sending _any_ information that identifies you. Tor is best used with a stateless LiveCD.

Your browser can be fingerprinted by collecting information about screen size/depth, installed fonts/addons/plugins and much more:

If you're life-threatening-worried about anonymity, you'd use the most common LiveCD in the most common screen resolution, enter NO personal information and use HTTPS only - all over Tor.

There is tails . Since it's a public LiveCD, there's enough chance that a lot of people are using it, allowing you to be invisible among them regarding browser fingerprinting.