Internet randomly shuts off


Apr 21, 2006
My internet will randomly shut off for roughly 20-30 seconds.

I have a 3com isdn router.. and i think some of the settings are wrong! it works fine... no latency...

Sometimes i go 5 hours without 1 disconnect, sometimes 1 hour with 5 disconnects...

Any ideas...
it probably wont help you, but i have the same problem. But i found the source. My computer, moms laptop are both hooked up to wired ethernet. But, the "family computer" is running on wireless in the other room. For some reason, the one on wireless will kick off/disable the internet randomly. So, all day, i have kept the wireless thing unplugged from the "family desktop" and i have been on w/o it cutting out.

BTW, ive got a netgear router, laptop with Xp, family desktop with xp, and my desktop with both Ubuntu and Vista
I hope someone finds a solution, as I am experiencing a similar situation. I have a laptop (w/ battery issues, so always have to use wired connection) and a desktop (also wired). Both computers experience random internet connectivity issues. As OP stated, it can be once an hour (for ~15 to 30 seconds) or it can be once a day (for ~30 seconds).

Its very random, doesn't matter the website or the computer or how many computers are connected.

Obviously this makes gaming difficult, as I tend to get killed multiple times (or completely disconnected from the server) while I am experiencing that connectivity issue.

Very frustrating. And the wife hates it as well, especially when attempting to pay bills.

I have changed modems, changed ISPs, and I have changed locations (moved from Oklahoma to Texas). I have noticed issues on a laptop and on two desktops.

Currently using AT&T's DSL service with a 2-wire modem/router.
I'm glad I'm not alone.

To update the people also having this problem, I contacted linksys and they didn't know crap. I contacted the ISP, they have been insisting nothing is wrong for the last 6 months.

Yesterday i got like 10-15 disconnects... my disconnects continue even when the wireless router isnt plugged in. The wireless still has power though. perhaps even though it doesnt give off internet, it is still affecting my internet?

Ill contact some more tech guys, and keep you guys posted.
I hope someone finds a solution, as I am experiencing a similar situation. I have a laptop (w/ battery issues, so always have to use wired connection) and a desktop (also wired). Both computers experience random internet connectivity issues. As OP stated, it can be once an hour (for ~15 to 30 seconds) or it can be once a day (for ~30 seconds).

Its very random, doesn't matter the website or the computer or how many computers are connected.

Obviously this makes gaming difficult, as I tend to get killed multiple times (or completely disconnected from the server) while I am experiencing that connectivity issue.

Very frustrating. And the wife hates it as well, especially when attempting to pay bills.

I have changed modems, changed ISPs, and I have changed locations (moved from Oklahoma to Texas). I have noticed issues on a laptop and on two desktops.

Currently using AT&T's DSL service with a 2-wire modem/router.

Are you using AT&T's dsl software? That will cause you to drop randomly used to see it all the time. Also when they "renew" your dsl it will drop too.
I don't ever use the proprietary software that ISPs claim must be installed off a cd. I know those things cause trouble and I never understood why they required you to log in (similar to dial-up service, but for DSL) in order to use the service.

As for 'renewing', I assume this shouldn't happen multiple times in a couple hour time frame, right? Seems absurd that they would assign an ip to me ever hour or two.
I hope someone finds a solution, as I am experiencing a similar situation. I have a laptop (w/ battery issues, so always have to use wired connection) and a desktop (also wired). Both computers experience random internet connectivity issues. As OP stated, it can be once an hour (for ~15 to 30 seconds) or it can be once a day (for ~30 seconds).

I got the same deal going on here. sometimes it will stay connected for a day no problem others im lucky if i get an hour. all my computers are wired to a router and then to the modem. I usually loose connection but go into network access when im on my xp pc and refresh the network connection. when i'm on my laptop that has vista i go in and have to click on the red 'x' on the network to internet connection to get it to refresh, and then sometimes it doesnt work and i have to click to reset the dns or something..i dont remember exactly what it is.

I've tried disconnecting power to both the router and modem when its really bad and then reconnecting it but it doesnt help.

I currently have brighthouse roadrunner as my isp
I get the same thing sometimes with wireless internet, would be interested to know if theres a solution.
All the DSL problems I've had in the past were due to bad wiring between the house and the telco's central office (CO). It took four years of complaints and trouble calls before they'd send a tech to test the wiring. The first tech didn't do the test properly and kept insisting the problem was inside the house. I finally got a good tech; he agreed with my diagnosis (bad insulation on the wiring) and he swapped the wires to another pair - problem solved. 30 min work (including the tech driving to-from the CO to swap the wires) but the idiots took 4 years to do it.

AT&T says the line is fine. diagnostics and all... is there any way to check if the router is renewing?
Signal to Noise Ratio. The device should have a means of showing connection stats - web page interface usually.

The SNR and attenuation will give you an indication of line quality. What AT&T says is "fine" and what you are reasonably willing to accept are very different - they don't want to pay to fix the problem and deliver the performance they claim they deliver in their adverts. You, OTOH, have a reasonable expectation of at most one reconnect per day, not once every few hours.
does the DSL use PPPoE, or DHCP?

if it uses PPPoE, is the router set to Connect on Demand or Keep Alive?

I used to work for an ISP here in Alaska, that offered DSL.

I couldn't even begin to guess how many people complained that the "DSL sucks! keeps kicking me off every 5 minutes!" when that problem was caused by routers being set to Connect on Demand with an idle timeout of 5 minutes.

Those routers were disconnecting every 5 minutes anyway, even if there was internet activity.

And those routers ranged from M$ branded to Linksys, NetGear, DLink, SMC... pretty much every brand out there. Even with updated (current-at-the-time) firmware.
It's not DLS, it's ISDN. i'm using a 3com router... forgot the brand though.. pretty sure it's on that list though.

When i contact the dude about getting into router settings, he says you cannot access it through HTTP, and that it was this weird other way...
in that case, ask your ISP's tech support to pull your connection logs.
All that should be recorded in their RADIUS server.

See if they'd be willing to email you a few days worth of logs.

All it will show is the connect time, disconnect time, and reason for disconnect.

Having this info can be VERY helpful in pinpointing the cause, wether it be an ISP or end-user equipment issue.

it must be an older router if you have to telnet into it. It very well could be a router issue.
Have you tried connecting directly to the computer to see what it does?
He says there are many late at night "User requested disconnects" but he said their logs don't know the difference between computer , user, and router requested disconnects.

it is wired into the router, the problem still persists. and yes, you need to telnet into it.
user-request means that a piece of equipment on the end-user's side sent a disconnect request to the ISP's end. In this case, your router sent a disconnect request to your ISP's RADIUS server. Why it did that, is the unknown.

So... this points it towards being an issue with your router. Wether the router is just randomly disconnecting for unknown reasons, or disconnecting due to an idle-timeout is hard to say.

If the router is already set to Keep Alive, then I would suggest looking into newer firmware for your router. If your router is EOL, and already has the latest firmware, I would recommend replacing it.

If you don't want to replace it just yet, hook the computer directly to the ISDN modem. If you do not have the disconnect problems you did with the router in place, then that pin-points the problem to being the router.
Its been directly connected the entire time. I figured it was the router, but I sent the router in, they ran diagnostics all night and said its not the router.. they might be retarded, im not sure. I do not know how to test to see if the firmware is up-to-date, and he says its set to 15 min idle.

Although im not idle'in

also he said " it might be cause its running 24/7 " which is not a viable excuse in my opinion...

Which also makes me think he doesn't know what he's talking about. I have a question. How do i "telnet" into the router options?
Hey guys one of my clients had issues like this before and what it turned out to be was the router trying to synchronize the time with a time server.

If you go in and disable any NTP or time synch settings, and set the time correctly if it is off. Time zone and everying.

That may fix the problem.
and he says its set to 15 min idle.

this means it is router related.

many times I've seen routers, using connect on demand, disconnect after their set idle time, even when the internet connection is NOT idle.

Solution? Change the connection type to Keep-Alive.
I hear this alot, but i do not know how to get into my router which uses telnet.
My internet will randomly shut off for roughly 20-30 seconds.

I have a 3com isdn router.. and i think some of the settings are wrong! it works fine... no latency...

Sometimes i go 5 hours without 1 disconnect, sometimes 1 hour with 5 disconnects...

Any ideas...

I had that router and ISDN service like 10 years ago. Are you running it with both B channels bonded for Intenet access or do you use one of the B channels for your telephone service? Have your had you telco test your line?
Both B's are for internet im pretty sure. thats what the settings say. Although 1 b light has always been not lit. Btw guys, i got into the router settings and changed the idle, and changed the bandwidth from 15% to 60%, seems the disconnects have been fewer.. although i've had 1 or 2 since then. still happen occasionally. changing idle from 900 to 0 helped i think.

EDIT: line is tested and fine.
Does your ISDN modem have an RJ11 interface for a standard telephone? Mine did. If so, connect a phone to it and make a call and see if the connection stays for an hour. Which is beyond any of your data calls at this point, right? If it drops the call, then you will have confirmation that you have a "dirty" line.