Internet Gaming Performance


[H]ard for [H]ardware
Jan 12, 2005
I have an Airlink router and SBC DSL.When I do a bandwidth check online I get about 1.5mbs or higher. When Im downloading one file (~60kbs) and trying to play DoD on line I get booted off the server because of a high ping (200). Do you think this could be because of a cheap router, a bad NIC, or is this normal? Thanks!
So you think the quality of the router would effect performance? I have a netgear router sitting around, should I use that? It just seems that I my connection has a lot of potential but something is preventing me from using it.
The quality of the router is some of it...the way bandwidth works is another part of it. How you divide and control your bandwidth is yet another part of it.

A very basic rule of thumb though...if online gaming performance is important to you...shut everything else the heck down. Those P2P programs..on top of infesting your PC (there's a whole world of ad/spy/malware programs sucking up bandwidth right there), sap the life out of routers and internet connections if left unchecked.

Some of todays newer more powerful routers, such as the DLink 4000 series, have QoS features that prioritize gaming traffic, and drop http/p2p/downloading traffic.