Internet connection drops from 22/10 to 7/4 through router; why?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 9, 2002
So the Internet connection that we have in the office is 22 Mbps down and 10 Mbps up. So, when I connect my computer directly to the cable modem, I get exactly that! But, when I connect the router and connect to the router, the connection drops to 7 down and 4 up. Why???

We have an Adtran NetVanta 3305... any ideas? Replace the router? Or, get a different LAN module for the back of the NetVanta?

Thanks soooo much!!
Was the Adtran brand new in box? If it was previously configured for a different connection that was 7/4 or something like that, it could be QoS features. If it comes down to it, consider documenting the settings and then resetting to factory specs. Following that, do the bare minimum setup and try a test at that point.
^ LZ1 is probably right.

I'd reset to factory default as Nate7311 suggested. That'll enable auto-negotiation which should prevent duplex mismatch as well as clear any other settings that could be manipulating bandwidth or packet priority.
or your router is fragmenting packets for some reason causing massive slowdown due to 2x as many packets passing over it.
someone messed with MTU size, QoS, or you've got an old router that can't keep up.
The numbers don't really seem to match up to a duplex issue, but it would be worth looking at, usually your equipment will have speed and duplex lights on the interfaces.
mturoute can help determine an MTU issue...

I don't know if the router reports interface errors but if its duplex you will see collisions and input errors usually.
someone messed with MTU size, QoS, or you've got an old router that can't keep up.
The numbers don't really seem to match up to a duplex issue, but it would be worth looking at, usually your equipment will have speed and duplex lights on the interfaces.

Berg0, what kind of speeds would you say would indicate a duplex issue?