Internal WiFi on an iBook


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Are there any pc cards that will work with a g3 ibooks internal port other then the old airport card? The airport cards are getting pricy and harder to find. Anyone know a way to work around this? I realy don't want to go with USB and I would rather not spend so much on an adapter. Thanks
unfortunately the only option other than an Airprot card would be a USB adapter because even though the connection looks like a regular PCMCIA connection it is not and can toast your MLB if you try one...personaly I don't understand why we stopped with the 802.11b cards anyway...yeah we don't make any comps that use the b version anymore but there are a TON of people that don't have a wireless card but can't use the extreme flavor..oh well..they don't listen to me anyway
hunh i swore the ibook had a pcmcia port
i know the port on my lombard is a pcmcia port

which ibook is it exactly?
if your running OS9
then all you need is an orinoco 802.11b card
the airport card is a rebadged version of the orinoco card
the orinoco card is reconized natively by OS9
they can be had on ebay for about $30 or less
No PCMCIA ports on the iBook. It's considered a consumer product and most consumers don't require a PCMCIA port.
Yea I was pretty sure the internal port was not normal but I thought I remembered a work around. O well I'll prob end up grabbing a usb adapter because they are so much cheaper. Guess it just feels wrong paying 100 bucks for a wifi card in a notebook I payed 300 for.
O the ibook for the guy that asked is a 12.1 inch 600 cd-rom version. I have a 1.6 pentium m as my main notebook so this is something to play around with. I'm going to max out it's ram and load 10.3. I figure for 300 bucks for a brand new notebook why not. With ram it should run 10.3 fine. I got it from a store that had been sitting on it for over 2 years. They for some reason never sold it. They had 2 of them. The salepeople just went for the newer models as they came out.
yeah, osx works great on my 400mhz
600 would be much better
minimum 256mb ram, best idea is 512mb

the usb wifi kits work good
its just a protability issue
its much nicer to have something intigrated
I saw an article the other day, about using an 802.11b card from a Sony Vio in an iBook. Esentially, you take the card, remove the antenna, and install it like an airport card. If I can find the article, I'll post a link.

Here is the page onusing the Vai WiFi in an iBook. Hope it helps!


you guys are talking about usb wireless dongles for the ibook.. but last I remember... none of the usb offerings have osx drivers (the cheaper ones at least)
Orcish said:
Here is the page onusing the Vai WiFi in an iBook. Hope it helps!


thats pretty sweet...anyone know where to find one other than ebay? Google gives me alot of japanese and UK sites.
That thing with the sony card is real interesting. As far as the question about usb wifi yea they are like 30 bucks. Humm I wonder if that one guy with the sony card used one of the 3rd party drivers and if so which one. It looks like he didn't though.
Most of the cards that aren't supported can use the drivers from

I haven't used that software for ages, but I know it worked well in 10.2.

And wow... that Sony Vaio WIFI card info is really cool.
Guess they must use the same OEM manufacturer or just a similar chipset.

As for the supported USB dongles, check out and search for usb wireless and it will tell you which will work under OS X.
Otherwise you can search on for a specific card you find.
sirgeoph said:
i bought a dlink usb wlan adapter and it came with osx drivers...model DWL-122

Would something like this D-Link work with one of those newer iBooks? My sister has a 14 in. ibook that we purchased from the Apple store about 1 month ago. I believe it runs on OS-10
A newer iBook should support the internal airport extreme card. Most of us in this thread are looking for an alternative to the discontinued original airport card for older machines.

But, the usb thing should work too.

Orcish said:
A newer iBook should support the internal airport extreme card. Most of us in this thread are looking for an alternative to the discontinued original airport card for older machines.

But, the usb thing should work too.


Extreme = 79.99 at apple store :eek: . Thanks though. Internal is a lot more convenient and powerful though.
Wow I'm kinda susprised that people are still talking in this thread. I sold the ibook the thread was talking about and got a ibook g3 800 with a airport card for like 100 bucks more then I sold the last one. O btw one of my friends has the sony card in his. Works fine which is kinda weird.