Intel’s First Processor with AMD Graphics Appears on Official Website


Aug 20, 2006
Intel has updated its unlocked processors table with an entry for its Core i7-8809G processor, which will feature AMD RX Vega technology. According to VideoCardz, this quad-core chip is currently the fastest known AMD and Intel solution.
I'm no longer a Intel Retail Edge member but the learning videos posted really put down AMD chips so I'm really suprised to see this if anything this might be a good time to get AMD stock or Intel. Mabybe this chip will help propel Sony and X-Box bosses to make some consoles with these chips.
I have to say I saw the thread title and I instantly thought "Ok, someone is pretty early for April Fool's Day, come on..." but then I read about it and it's literally a "HOLY SHIT!!!" kinda thing. I agree with what auntjemima said, completely.

Hell, this is a "Microsoft invests in Apple to save it from demise..." kind of move in my opinion (and yes I know that situation years ago with Microsoft investing $150 million capital didn't save Apple, I know, I know, get off my back about it).

Well it's officially 1F outside at this moment so, Hell froze over. :D
This is similar to the 3DFX thread I was just reading.
2 years down road Intel buys amd graphic division...maybe.
My thought as well.

It's still odd to me that AMD is still valued comparatively so little....while their products recently have been underwhelming outside of RyZen, they still hit 90%+ in most performance areas and are generally price competitive in markets where they are literally the ONLY competition in the WORLD.

AMD is doing their best at least....long term their best market could be just supplying research and intellectual property licensing to the other big boys. You don't need to win the war if you're supplying the bullets and bandages to the other combatants.
Intel has finally realized that AMD is NOT their competition in the future....Nvidia is. Ultimately it makes a lot of sense.
Intel does consider AMD a competitor but Nvidia is now the greater competitor to Intel. I guarantee you the reason Intel is working with AMD is to keep Apple. Apple probably told Intel, "get better graphics or we're going with AMD or our own ARM SoC". AMD doesn't mind, cause they're selling Vega chips, but I'm sure AMD has their own Ryzen chip with Vega graphics on it soon.

Meanwhile Intel is working on their own graphics technology as well, but they're using AMD cause they probably haven't spent much of any R&D on graphics tech. So Intel is using AMD for graphics, while AMD is using Intel for sales. Intel will have their own complete solution to sell to Apple, and AMD will also have a similar product.
Intel does consider AMD a competitor but Nvidia is now the greater competitor to Intel. I guarantee you the reason Intel is working with AMD is to keep Apple. Apple probably told Intel, "get better graphics or we're going with AMD or our own ARM SoC". AMD doesn't mind, cause they're selling Vega chips, but I'm sure AMD has their own Ryzen chip with Vega graphics on it soon.

Meanwhile Intel is working on their own graphics technology as well, but they're using AMD cause they probably haven't spent much of any R&D on graphics tech. So Intel is using AMD for graphics, while AMD is using Intel for sales. Intel will have their own complete solution to sell to Apple, and AMD will also have a similar product.

yeah i'd have to agree.. but maybe now apple might have a laptop that can actually play the 1 or 2 graphic intensive games supported on OSX ;). either way both companies win out of this deal, intel saves money by not having to license shit from AMD and nvidia to make their own apu's for apple, AMD gains some market share with the apple crowd.
I never thought I would see the day when Intel ran the competitors graphics on their chip.

Uhmmmm,...pretty sure Intel has been paying AMD licensing fees since the first integrated video circuits were included in their CPU's. Pretty sure.
I remember back in the day when AMD was riding high. They had cool 64-bit processors that were cheap and powerful, they were buying ATI, and they were building these huge expensive fabs so they could fulfill all their demand. Intel was still stumbling around with their Pentium 4 'Nut Burst' architecture, which was too hot, too highly clocked, and too slow. And I remember Intel negotiating with AMD for the license to AMD's 64-bit extensions so they could build compatible 64-bit chips. At the time I thought it was odd that AMD would even talk to Intel, especially after Intel tried to freeze AMD out with their Rambus monopoly and then refusing to allow AMD's processors to run compatibly with Intel sockets and chipsets. But it didn't seem to matter, because AMD was innovating and Intel was floundering, and AMD finally did license the 64-bit extensions (I think there was some pressure from Microsoft). Intel made some mildly interesting Intel 64 dual core Pentiums, and then ... WHAM@! Core2 came out, and AMD suddenly realized they owed too much money, and for 15 years the Intel fanboys have been acting like they knew it all the time.

So here we are again. AMD is competitive, and Intel needs something. The situation isn't the same, but I hope AMD got some kind of prenuptial this time.
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Didn't Kyle say this was going to happen like 8 months ago? It still shocking to see but not much of a big surprise since we had the heads up....
Yup, I was more a believer than a naysayer back when this was mentioned. Was pretty funny how many of the hardcore [H]'ers around here immediately poopooed this rather loudly and are now eating crow. :ROFLMAO:
Yup, I was more a believer than a naysayer back when this was mentioned. Was pretty funny how many of the hardcore [H]'ers around here immediately poopooed this rather loudly and are now eating crow. :ROFLMAO:
Yea I usually listen up when Kyle speaks about something, until its proven wrong.
So who is this cpu/gpu aimed for? It seems like a really niche market, newbie gamers will not want an integrated gpu and non-gamers will not want to pay extra for this gpu.
So who is this cpu/gpu aimed for? It seems like a really niche market, newbie gamers will not want an integrated gpu and non-gamers will not want to pay extra for this gpu.
I know for myself that a solution like this would be nice for a homebuilt arcade or emulation machine. If they come out with a sff board, I'm sold.
Beats paying patent protection money to Nvidia. No need to fuel the guys that are the real threat. Healthy X86 competition doesn't really hurt Intel they have always weathered AMD... when it comes to AI and Data center processing Intel can't afford to help Nvidia out even a little.
So who is this cpu/gpu aimed for? It seems like a really niche market, newbie gamers will not want an integrated gpu and non-gamers will not want to pay extra for this gpu.

Thin and light laptops and HTPC units with competent gaming chops would be my guess.
This sounds like a nice option for HTPC/GPU mining (a CPU to use with all the dGPU's)/f@h/boinc/seti/etc.

Outside of that, "eSports" maybe?
I never thought I would see the day when Intel ran the competitors graphics on their chip.

And they're running their competitor's graphics alongside their own. Further, there's nothing stopping Intel from putting an Nvidia chip there next, except perhaps that AMD's market desperation likely produces more favorable terms for Intel.
And they're running their competitor's graphics alongside their own. Further, there's nothing stopping Intel from putting an Nvidia chip there next, except perhaps that AMD's market desperation likely produces more favorable terms for Intel.

Intel would be in no rush to use Nvidia as those two companies have a ton of bad blood between them.
Wonder when/if Nvidia drops another chipset? And\or comes out with an x64 emulator for a gpu?
Wonder when/if Nvidia drops another chipset? And\or comes out with an x64 emulator for a gpu?

I can't imagine many scenarios where emulating x86/x64 on a GPU would be remotely practical....that's like using a crotch rocket to tow a semi trailer.
Na I just love being Captain Obvious... and I like Happy


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