Intel X-25M 80GB $209.99 Shipped - Ends 3-10

This or an OCZ agility. In real world performance, which is better? 60 gig is enough of a boot /os drive for me.
I haven't kept up with the SSD research lately but last I remember the Intel drives were the best for random read/write speeds which is important to an operating system disc, while the OCZ drives were a bit faster for transfer rates. Either way you'll be incredibly pleased! :D

I grabbed one of the 30gb vertex deals for the os 3 months ago and have been beating the crap out of it and it's still running strong. Maybe anyone with an X-25m could post a shot for comparison.

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Here we go here's my Crystal Disc on my OCZ drive after 3 months of abuse. I would like to see an Intel for comparison :)

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I've ordered a psu and video card from them in the past. They processed & shipped promptly and the hardware worked as expected.
^ I bought my cpu & mobo from them. And my Arctic fans in another order. They've been doing a lot of coupon deals on hot items. Great stuff :)

Bought one, thanks! So excited for my first SSD!

Happy to help everyone here :D Congrats! you're gonna love it tons :D
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I have a 120GB Vertex and a 80GB X-25 G2 in my desktop. I originally had my Win7 OS on the Vertex, but then I got a good deal on this X-25 G2 for $180, so I bit on it and switched my OS to it. Boot time actually dropped by a noticeable amount. I never timed the Vertex, but I was to my desktop (after post, from when you see the Windows logo show up) in about 12 seconds fully loaded. This is a very nice drive. You'll definitely be happy with it :D. Also, I load BFBC2 maps in about 5 seconds, lol. I'm not sure how long it would take on a normal HDD, but I'm sure it'd take a crap load longer than that.
Here we go here's my Crystal Disc on my OCZ drive after 3 months of abuse. I would like to see an Intel for comparison :)

I'm at work so I can't get a screenshot until later, but my X25-M G2 is pretty much identical to first day speeds (used w/ Win7 since October), possibly better in some metrics. I'm getting 260MB/s sequential reads, and around 65MB/s random 4k writes. I have 550GB host writes, fwiw.
Here we go here's my Crystal Disc on my OCZ drive after 3 months of abuse. I would like to see an Intel for comparison :)

Here's where my Intel 80GB G2 stood after about 6 weeks of solid use.

tax is killing the deal in CA. but that bing cashback is making the deal sweeter.
Bought another one last night and got about $7 from cashback. One hell of a deal.
I ordered this same drive from ewiz about 2 weeks ago for $240 shipped. Damnit! could have saved 40 bucks!

This drive is awesome though!
^^ Those are very significant differences you guys wow look at the 4k writes that's pretty bone crushing! That's great stuff :D
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Gah, I clicked it and the page was there. Switched to the laptop and tried the link, now the deal is gone.Not a big deal since great deals are popping up weekly for ssds, but this one looks to be over.
Here we go here's my Crystal Disc on my OCZ drive after 3 months of abuse. I would like to see an Intel for comparison :)

Here is my Intel X-25 G1 that I installed September of last year. No TRIM.. No GC.. just the latest Intel firmware


Intel G2 under 6 months hard usage.

During the test these were running with crystaldiskmark:
7 Tabs of Google Chrome
2 Word Documents
Steam (no games running)
AVG (free)
utorrent (saving into an external)

Accidentally filled completely once with torrents.
just got mine today from ewiz and i can't beleive how much everything is faster:
Wow the differences are huge. I knew they had the advantage but that's owned. :eek: I'm impressed
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For those thinking of buying two, here's my 2 x 80GB G2 ICH10R RAID 0 (no TRIM support), about 5 months in. Background apps still running (sorry, didn't feel like rebooting). Going by memory, numbers are down a bit, particularly Seq Write and 4KB Read - but here's a real world sample anyways.
Here's mine...

2 80GB G1s in RAID0 and they've had hard use for the past 8 months....

So performance of the first gens are not far off, but what do you have to do to keep these maintained since they do not support trim?
I keep going back and forth between Gen2, this deal and ocz
So performance of the first gens are not far off, but what do you have to do to keep these maintained since they do not support trim?
I keep going back and forth between Gen2, this deal and ocz
You posted in the wrong thread. You probably meant to post in the Dane electric thread ;)

This deal is for an oem G2 drive SSDSA2MH080G2C1 (the new faster version that supports trim). You can get this drive for around $200 shipped if you follow the instructions in the post above yours.
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ha ha, realized my mistake. mixed up and was thinking 2 different things. Just want an ssd but trying to make the proper decision..hard to do for me with all the options
just ordered another G2 thru TD/COMPUSA/CC for $203 after BCB. It's a better deal for those of us who have to pay tax. XD
My G1 x25-m after about a week of usage, latest firmware, secure erased by hdderase and fresh install of 7. Not very many things in the background. AHCI is also enabled.

just ordered another G2 thru TD/COMPUSA/CC for $203 after BCB. It's a better deal for those of us who have to pay tax. XD
How did you get it for $203? Cause it isn't enough to brag, now you have to share :p

I ask only because those three stores carry the 80gb G2 for $250. The one with the highest Bing cashback discount right now is Circuit City at 15% (search Bing using keywords "Circuit City"). With the 15% discount it lowers the price to $212.

Is there something we're missing?
How did you get it for $203? Cause it isn't enough to brag, now you have to share :p

I ask only because those three stores carry the 80gb G2 for $250. The one with the highest Bing cashback discount right now is Circuit City at 15% (search Bing using keywords "Circuit City"). With the 15% discount it lowers the price to $212.

Is there something we're missing?


Not sure if you notice, but for some etailers you get different prices on their website if you click through the link with BCB. What you do is use the search phase "intel G2" then scroll to the bottom of the page. Under shop for "intel g2" it should give you links for the SSD. You will notice if you use that link the prices for the drive from TD/CC/COMPUSA is 239.99 plus 8% BCB. Use that link for 239.99 and then add the item to your shopping cart. Now go back to Bing and get the 15% BCB to pop back up. Click on that link to get back to the website where you had the drive in your shopping cart. You will now have applied the 15% BCB to the 239.99 intel x-25m that was sitting in your shopping cart! ;)

it's just a way to get around those retailers who jack up their prices when you use bing.

Not sure if you notice, but for some etailers you get different prices on their website if you click through the link with BCB. What you do is use the search phase "intel G2" then scroll to the bottom of the page. Under shop for "intel g2" it should give you links for the SSD. You will notice if you use that link the prices for the drive from TD/CC/COMPUSA is 239.99 plus 8% BCB. Use that link for 239.99 and then add the item to your shopping cart. Now go back to Bing and get the 15% BCB to pop back up. Click on that link to get back to the website where you had the drive in your shopping cart. You will now have applied the 15% BCB to the 239.99 intel x-25m that was sitting in your shopping cart! ;)

it's just a way to get around those retailers who jack up their prices when you use bing.
Haha, that's pretty slick, err umm i mean [H]ard. i have noticed things like that in the past, but not this time.

Good catch, and thanks for posting instructions!!
I must be an idiot, because this is not working for me. also who did you physically purchase through, cause i do not see any 15% for TD. when I do the same search I get TD,circuit city, comp usa @ 10% and only see the oem drive for $240
I must be an idiot, because this is not working for me. also who did you physically purchase through, cause i do not see any 15% for TD. when I do the same search I get TD,circuit city, comp usa @ 10% and only see the oem drive for $240

The 15% discount is at circuit city only, and you have to do it a certain way to get 15% to pop up.

Lets break it down to make sure you're not making a mistake, i just tried it and it worked for me:

- Go to Bing shopping and type in "Intel G2" in the search bar and click "enter".

- Dig around till you find the Circuit City deal, then click the Circuit City link (NOT Tiger Direct)

- When on the circuit city site, browse till you find the Intel 80GB G2 and add it to your shopping cart. Click the red X and close that browser window now.

- Go back to again and type "circuit city" into the search bar, then click enter.

- Look for the 15% circuit city bing banner ad and click it. If you don't see the banner ad then refresh the page a few times and it will pop up.

- Once you're back at circuit city you should still see the intel G2 in your cart from the previous session, but this time you'll have the 15% cashback discount ;)

$203 shipped after cashback.
just for clarification; you got the retail drive correct? SSDSA2MH080G2R5

I found a link to circuit city that brought up the retail drive, but it shows $250. the only drive I find for $240 is the oem drive

when you initially go to circuit city what is the cashback showing up as? The link says 10%, but when I go to store it says 8-10%.

I know I cannot be this stupid today.

Going through your link to the bing page, I get the same results as earlier. There are only 5 or so choices for intel ssd's. I can click on a few of them to get cc to show up, but goes to above mentioned CB%. Only drive to show up as $240 is the oem drive just as you go to the site directly.

Maybe I will try it on another computer to see if I get the same results.
I fully understand the process and have done it before. I also know how to get 15%, I am just having difficulties getting the RETAIL drive to show $240. Thanks for your time and sorry to be a pain
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Maybe I will try it on another computer to see if I get the same results.
I fully understand the process and have done it before. I also know how to get 15%, I am just having difficulties getting the RETAIL drive to show $240. Thanks for your time and sorry to be a pain
NP at all.

But yea, we had been talking about the oem drive all along (keeping in spirit of the thread). Didn't notice that it was the retail drive you were looking for.