Intel Reveals Foreign Info To AMD

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
C|Net is reporting that AMD has won a small victory in its antitrust case today after Intel conceded to sharing information from operations outside the United States.

Concurring with AMD's request, a judicially appointed special master overseeing elements of the case had recommended on December 15 that Intel share information from foreign operations in the evidence-gathering process called discovery. On Thursday, Intel said it wouldn't fight that recommendation.
Intel sharing information with AMD methinks. What that information is I've little idea.
Everyone knows that at this point AMD wants to get their hands on as much inside intel on Intel that they possibly can. Does AMD get to go over all of Intel's documents, plans, finances, etc., or does an intermidiary view the info?
Discovery generally means that AMD asked for certain information from said defendant (Intel) to be entered in as evidence for AMD's case. The only problem is, AMD doesn't have this info, so they ask a judge to to make them give it up. If you recall the SCO IBM case, SCO said IBM basically copied it's source code.......but had no way to prove it. So they asked a judge during discovery to make IBM hand over all their source code so SCO could go through it to find evidence.

At this point, I would assume that Intel will hand over documentation of their overseas dealing with foreign suppliers so that AMD can look through the emails and whatnot to find evidence of predatorial or monopolistic tactics used to keep them out of the game and with a low market share.

The problem I see here is that Intel is not fighting the request. That makes me think that they have had plenty of time to erase, trash, delete, or otherwise get rid of any info that might help AMD's case. We all know what Intel has been doing, which is why Dell has "all-of-a-sudden" started carrying AMD procs and PC's. I have also thought that AMD buying ATI was also a sneaky plot for them to bypass Intel's hold on certain distributers and boutiques because no one wants to give up the ability to carry both AMD and ATI.

I could go on, but I'd never stop. This will be an interesting case to say the least...
So AMD could basically use the discovery process as a way to see what Intels plans are and such. Whats to keep AMD from getting Intels trade secrets should the request come and be granted?
Trade secrets are usually copyrighted as soon as they are thought up in this day and time. But really that is besides the point...

What is being asked in the discovery is not anything that has to do with design documents, just documents detailing their overseas dealings that would specifically deal with the antitrust suit at hand. Oh this is far from over. If I know Intel, they will produce as little info as possible and say "Here it all is!" Then you will see AMD telling the judge that, no, that is NOT all it is...they are hiding documents. Then Intel will say that this is undue burden and too much that they are asking for. The judge will rule in AMD's favor, then Intel will motion to extend discovery another few months giving them time to hide more info or come up with some other plan.....blah blah blah...
Of course AMD wants Intel on Intel. How else are they supposed to keep up with them now that AMD is falling behind again.