Intel Promises to Increase Transparency in the Future


Mar 3, 2018
In an interview with CRN, Todd Garrigues, director of partner sales programs at Intel, claims that the company will work on increased transparency and more effective communication in the future. He said that Intel got "some critical feedback" from partners following the recent CPU shortage, and said "The request, bluntly, was just to work harder at being transparent as close to real time as possible." More specifically, Intel says that want to form closer relationships with distributors to more effectively communicate with their smaller customers.

Andrew Piland, chief operating officer at San Diego-based Datel Systems, said the supply issues have continued to impact his company. One of Datel's best-selling processors has been the eighth-generation Intel Core i5-8500, but it has been struggling to obtain enough stock for the systems Datel builds for customers. As a result, Datel has been resorting to the more expensive Core i5-8600, which has cut into the company's margins because Datel's customers were already locked into lower prices for orders. He said Intel's commitment to increased communication with partners sounds like great news, but only if they can pull it off and fix the supply issue. "I don't know if I will believe it until I see it," Piland said. "Ultimately actions speak louder than words. I have not seen a lot of action."
And the check is in the mail.

And I really do love you.

And I don't think your little sister is cute.

And I promise not to [deviant sexual behavior] your [my personal fetish].

Final Translation: I am saying these things because I want something. From you. And I'll get away with it because you keep hoping I'll change.
And I couldn't give a shit about Intel's empty promises. Just like NVIDIA, keep pumping out overpriced and buggy crap. Space Invaders, Spectre and Meltdown included for free. As a side note, it would be hilarious for NVIDIA's board to call for the resignation of Leather-Jackey-Man... think Bryan Krazanitch exit from Intel. They kicked him out because he sold most of his stock just before the vulnerabilities were made public, not because of the 10nm clusterfuck. Vote with your wallets people, show these companies who's their real boss. By the way, most Z390 motherboards are a blatant and utter rippof. They make x299 boards look like a bargain in comparison.

I'm tired of all these manufacturers trying to capitalize on hype. The 9900K is an okay CPU, but not nearly worth over $500 baccurus.
intel is off my list until they fix KNOWN problems.

I'm looking forward to a new system next year, and it will likely be all AMD for the first time in ~20 years.

The last one was a Barton core XP2500M processor and an x850 video card, on an Nvidia motherboard, lol.

It ran an x13.5 multiplier, on a ddr200 FSB, and was much faster than the intel P4 system it replaced.

P4 with 32bit RAMBUS memory; I've never chose THAT badly since. :) $300 for a 512M module, lol, and the price never lowered. :facepalm:
What I hear from Intel is "nada nada nada nada" same old same old. Intel doesn't know what the word transparency means. This is what happens when you have 80% of the market. When Intel gets some competition as happened with MS Internet Explorer at the 80% mark, than things won't change. Its like a marketing person found some older headlines from previous screw ups and decided to rehash hoping it will be exceptable till the next major screw up.