Intel DG33TL onboard LAN/Ethernet DEAD?


Nov 29, 2007
To summarize:

  • Apparently after running some diagnostics (using the built in tests of the driver sofware) on my Gigabit 82566DC onboard LAN, I rebooted and then I got a popup message that new hardware was found, "Ethernet Controller".
  • I tried reinstalling the latest (and correct) driver and then I got the message "Device cannot start (CODE 10)" when installing/updating the LAN driver, even after rebooting many times.
  • I thought it may have been a software issue, but after a clean install of XP pro the same problem occurs.
  • I also tried disabling and re-enabling the LAN in the bios but still nothing.
What lead me to believe that the LAN died is that there are no amber/green activity lights flashing at the cat5 cable connector (when cable is plugged/unplugged), and there SHOULD be at least the green LED lit.

Has anyone else had a problem? I'm hoping Intel will rma it, I had just got it end of Nov 2007 from retail edge.

Any help or ideas would greatly be appreciated.
Yes, chipset/INF drivers are up to date...

On another note, I let it sit overnight unplugged, opened the case this morning to take a look, touched the south bridge, booted up, and somehow the LAN works! I'm puzzled, because now the audio drivers are having issues and I'm trying to reinstall them as I speak..:confused:
I had this same problem. It started working randomly also. I finally just broke down and got a abit ip35
Arrrg.... problems again with the ethernet! I'm still waiting on for Intel to respond so they can "proceed in warrantee".