Intel, AMD Accuse Each Other Of Media Manipulation

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
It would seem that tempers are flaring in the Intel / AMD antitrust case. Apparently both Intel and AMD have sent letters to the court appointed mediator accusing each other of manipulating the media but neither company has asked for court intervention at this time. Pass the soda and chips, this could get interesting.

In letters sent this week to court-appointed mediator Vincent J. Poppiti, the two companies exchanged barbs, but stopped short of asking presiding federal court Judge Joseph Farnan Jr. to intervene. The missives stem from a recent filing in which Intel said an internal investigation showed that e-mails mistakenly deleted after the suit was filed in June 2005 did not result in the loss of evidence with any "genuine significance."
I do agree that AMD has been in a frenzy of attention whoring this whole case, and quite frankly I'm getting sick of it. This interests me very much:

The missives stem from a recent filing in which Intel said an internal investigation showed that e-mails mistakenly deleted after the suit was filed in June 2005 did not result in the loss of evidence with any "genuine significance."

So maybe it was a mistake like Intel claimed all along, and not the gross acts of evidence hiding that the fanbots here were screaming about. Imagine that, the big guy telling the truth!
It would seem that tempers are flaring in the Intel / AMD antitrust case. Apparently both Intel and AMD have sent letters to the court appointed mediator accusing each other of manipulating the media but neither company has asked for court intervention at this time. Pass the soda and chips, this could get interesting.

Erm.. WTF? Isn't the point of advertising and using the media in general to manipulate it so that you look at your best? "I am going to sue you for having a really good media relations and PR team." this world is going to hell.
I do agree that AMD has been in a frenzy of attention whoring this whole case, and quite frankly I'm getting sick of it. This interests me very much:

So maybe it was a mistake like Intel claimed all along, and not the gross acts of evidence hiding that the fanbots here were screaming about. Imagine that, the big guy telling the truth!

Oh, so Intel's internal investigation obviously proves they did no wrong doing? That's why we have courts. If we relied on people to self police themselves.....well it would be a fucked up world.

And you complain about AMD fanbots? Sheesh.
I do agree that AMD has been in a frenzy of attention whoring this whole case, and quite frankly I'm getting sick of it. This interests me very much:

So maybe it was a mistake like Intel claimed all along, and not the gross acts of evidence hiding that the fanbots here were screaming about. Imagine that, the big guy telling the truth!

Intel conducts its own internal investigation. What kind of gullible fanbot is gonna take that bait? Oh wait...
AMD is just recycling everything the FTC threw out last time, plus some new whining. Pathetic.
The following is just a rant about corporate stupidity. At the end of the day I don't care about these two. I can write my code, surf the web and read e-mail just fine.

Pot met Kettle,
Kettle met Pot.

Pot and Kettle have a nice life according to Pot. Pot is big and can do what he wants keeps a good revenue stream.

Kettle one days goes I'm tired of Pot. Pot makes a better Kettle. Kettle notices this and starts to get pissed.

Kettle things and goes it is time to crush Pot. Pot is thinking Kettle is slow so I'm going to buy laddle for my pot.

Kettle finally gets moving and bitch slaps Pot into nothingness.

Pot starts to cry because Kettle is big and mean.

Kettle reminds Pot it has always been this way.

The end.
Pot met Kettle,
Kettle met Pot.

Pot and Kettle have a nice life according to Pot. Pot is big and can do what he wants keeps a good revenue stream.

Kettle one days goes I'm tired of Pot. Pot makes a better Kettle. Kettle notices this and starts to get pissed.

Kettle things and goes it is time to crush Pot. Pot is thinking Kettle is slow so I'm going to buy laddle for my pot.

Kettle finally gets moving and bitch slaps Pot into nothingness.

Pot starts to cry because Kettle is big and mean.

Kettle reminds Pot it has always been this way.

The end.
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