Instead of using the xbox hddvd drive as an attachment, would it be smarter too...

Jan 3, 2007
Take it apart and put it in a 5 1/3 slot in your pc?

Of course you'd hafta modify it slightly...

What do you think?
Besides the drive door, I think that the hddvd drive has a non-standard connector. It's sata based, but is smaller than normal and includes the power connector. I can't find any pictures right now though. It might be laptop sata spec, not really sure.

I guess you could keep the usb board attached and connect it to an internal usb header to solve the problem though.

Ninja-edit. Internal pics of the drive here. Reports are that the drive has a 'mini atapi port' and there are cheap connectors available.
laptops use normal sata connectors. That is the same connector that laptop cdrom drives use. You can buy a converter for that for like $5 online and it just converts to a standard ide and floppy power plug. If it had I faceplate Id be all over mounting it internally. Although since it is a toshiba drive I would be willing to bet that you could mount a toshiba faceplate on there without too much trouble if you could find a spare. Also you could ghost the drive too with a bay blank if you wanted.
this ghosting you speak of intrigues me, please elaborate.

Ghosting is another term of "drive stealth" where you bascially replace the front plate and door trave cover with something usually provided on the case. Bascially a hack job in quite a few cases, but the external results are worth it. For example this case by Antec does such a thing.