Installing WinXP and RAID0


Mar 21, 2005
I know what you're thinking: Another RAID n00b, but I bet what I'm thinking isn't what you're thinking. I want to install Windows WITH a RAID0 array, but not ON the array. Does this entail any special procedures? Setup will be:
150GB Raptor for WinXP, games
2x250GB WD Caviar 16MB SATA3.0Gbps for other stuff
I don't want to play games with drive letters (install the drives and RAID them after I install Windows but have to deal with the two optical drives being assigned D:\ and E:\ and having to move drive letters around), but I want to install Windows so that it reconizes the Raptor as C:\ and the 2x250GB array as D:\. Would I just do the normal "F6 for drivers" routine or something else?
what you can do is skip the raid setup while installing windows to the single drive ,

then install the raid driver from windows and setup the raid ,

specify that the single drive as the second boot device in bios , right after the cdrom ,

or 3rd if you also have a need to boot from floppy
OK I guess I'll just have to install Windows and then change the drive letters on the optical drives as they would have been assigned letters D:\ and E:\ (I want the RAID0 array drive to be D:\).