Installing windows XP pro Issue


Mar 3, 2005
this is mind boggling. I don't know if any of yoou have acam across to this. This is the thing. I have formatted a home built pc, epox 8kha+ with athlon xp 2400 1 gig of ram geforce 4mx card.

Ok I formatted it then I popped in the windows xp pro cd I rebooted the pc then when the installation menu comes on and you hit the F8 for the license agreement you get the the option to install windows now from scratch. Well thats how far Ic an go. When I select that option nothing happenes. The keyboard looked dead, Ok So i replaced the keyboard and he I get to that menu its locked. I cant even explain it. Since I made some backups of the original os cd incase it would have scratched I replaced it witht he same issue. I am so blown away by this becuase I nver in my life seen soemthign like this before.

HAs any of you encountered such a thing or is this PC spooked,
that sounds like a pretty strange problem, if i read you post right you tried it with the original windows xp cd and the same thing happened?

definetly a wierd problem
Hmmm. Sounds like a hardware problem if you've tried multiple CD's.

If it were me I'd see if I could install a *nix variant on it just to see what's going on hardware wise.

First, try borrowing an install CD from someone else.
compslckr said:
that sounds like a pretty strange problem, if i read you post right you tried it with the original windows xp cd and the same thing happened?

definetly a wierd problem

It doesnt make sense.

Also my sis ran into this last year she got so mad she just through the damn thing out. I for one wouldnt want to do that with this system.
ThomasE66 said:
Hmmm. Sounds like a hardware problem if you've tried multiple CD's.

If it were me I'd see if I could install a *nix variant on it just to see what's going on hardware wise.

First, try borrowing an install CD from someone else.
I to think it can be a hardware issue.

but dnt know how to check for that.
Download the floppy or CD image of Memtest and run that to see if the memory is bad. It's also possible something on the motherboard went. I don't have much faith at in Epox.

I believe your at the point where the HDDs are supposed to be detected, so the other thing I would get is a botable floppy from the HDD's website, and use their utility to write zeros (zero fill) the drive. This should return the drive to the state of when it was bought. XP might not like the drive as is, depending on what your doing to it. XP's setup prefers a blank drive for setup.
Sweetnsexy said:
I to think it can be a hardware issue.

but dnt know how to check for that.

Everyone who builds systems or works on hardware should have a copy of something like Check It or PC Check.

Here's a crazy a copy of Knoppix Linux, burn it to CD, and see if it boots.

Of course, you should also look at removing all but the most necessary hardware to rule anything out. You could also contact Epox if you suspect the motherboard itself.

Did you ever have an OS on this machine?
When the computer is starting up, before it gets to read the cd, during the POST, go into the bios and double check that the hard drive is detected.

Double check your cable connections / jumper placement on the hard drive. Also be sure that you have a partition created on the drive, to write the OS to.

Epox makes very reliable motherboards. Yet, all it takes is one little static zap to make any of the components not function.
the hardware is detected. I did a fdisk whipe it out then I formatted the drive. Thats when I place the winxp pro cd in the drive and did a cold boot. When it launches you get the first screen and then youg et the screen to select new installation and thats when I cant do anything becuase the keyboard is locked. I repalced the keyboard incase thast what it was but Ic an see that the light on the num lock stays lit and as if its frozen.
Recently when ive needed to install windows on my rig ive needed to hit f5 during the setup is detecting your hardware bit and then choose standard pc as the HAL to use. The board has serious issues with apic. Worked fine with xp home, but pro seems borked.
For me, 9 times out of 10 a prob simmilar to that is a cd-ROM issue.
You might want to try and replace the cd-rom with one that you KNOW works and see how that goes.

Dont know if this will help you with your issue, but I have had simmilar and replacing the cd-rom fixed it right up.
