Installing Raptor?


Limp Gawd
Jun 26, 2001
Hi, I was wondering whether I did anything incorrectly in setting up my new rig. I recently got a bunch of parts to upgrade my comp with, and one of them was a Raptor hard drive. I'm reading around and seeing that people needed to hit F6 or whatnot to install drivers of some sort- When i set this up yesterday, I just popped the raptor in, hooked it up to an SATA plug, and it booted up and installed Windows XP fine. Was I supposed to install something before I installed Windows?

I'm wondering if this could be hindering my performance - it took me one minute and ten seconds to get to the desktop after booting (although this might have been due to the fact that this boot came after installing some new drivers). I'll time again once I get this SP2 downloaded, but any comments would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
You should load the drivers that came with the motherboard or go out and download the latest one. You will get better performance.

As for Windows working fine without you installing it, there are two possibilities. First, when you installed the mobo drivers the first time, it loaded the SATA driver even though you weren't using it. Second, your BIOS is default configured to recognize the SATA drives as IDE drives. This is a cute BIOS trick some boards due, but can hinder your performance. Your BIOS will say something like Use SATA0 As IDE0 instead of Use SATA As SATA0. I don't remember the exact wording, but you get the gist.

I know Gigabyte boards have this feature, and others I am sure there are others that do too. You can safely change it without reloading anything, just make sure the SATA driver is loaded or ready to load when Windows starts if it doesn't find it.
Redux said:
You should load the drivers that came with the motherboard or go out and download the latest one. You will get better performance.

Really? I cant find any drivers that your talking about. Can you please point me in the right direction?
my Gigabyte drivers CD doesn't have any SATA drivers - where would I go about finding these? Thanks in advance...
*smacks forehead*

Most boards with SATA do NOT require drivers if your using the SATA drive as an individual drive. You do not load any extra drivers, unless your configuring a RAID array, and you have the RAID functionality in the BIOS.
djnes said:
*smacks forehead*

Most boards with SATA do NOT require drivers if your using the SATA drive as an individual drive. You do not load any extra drivers, unless your configuring a RAID array, and you have the RAID functionality in the BIOS.

Right. As I said previously that BIOS recognized the SATA drive as IDE by default. So it doesn't NEED a driver, but with the driver you will probably see better performance.

And some BIOS do not recoginize SATA drives by default. You either have to alias them to IDE or load a driver. Have walked more than one buddy through loading the driver with F6 while trying load Windows on a single SATA drive..
Redux said:
And some BIOS do not recoginize SATA drives by default. You either have to alias them to IDE or load a driver. Have walked more than one buddy through loading the driver with F6 while trying load Windows on a single SATA drive..

Your right...that seems to be how the AMD64 boards do it. Intel chipset boards don't need the drivers at all, unless in a RAID config.