Installing all my gear today, need last minute help


Limp Gawd
Nov 27, 2005
I'm about to install the watercooling stuff today but, I want to be extra sure that there won't be any leaks.

I can easily do the zip-tie or worm clamp method (I've done these before with my car) but, I'm afraid that it won't stay on tight enough. Also I've been reading about push-fit and barbs but I'm not quite sure what they look like or how they work. How do these work in conjunction with the little nozzle you get with the Apogee and the Maze4?

What i'm afraid of is if the tube twists for whatever reason (from me moving the computer or just replacing parts) that the tube will come off. The apoggee nozzle is plastic so I don't really want to use any sealant that will affix to the nozzle permantly.

Thanks in advance!
worm clamp those bitches! you can't run the push fits on the hose barbs that they come with (i don't think)

that's how i keep the tubes on my storm... apogee isn't any different. I clamp 'em on real tight too so you can really see it biting into the tube.
Double Jesus said:
worm clamp those bitches! you can't run the push fits on the hose barbs that they come with (i don't think)

that's how i keep the tubes on my storm... apogee isn't any different. I clamp 'em on real tight too so you can really see it biting into the tube.

word! I don't know if thats really least on the apogee the nozzles are freaking plastic. I hope that crap don't crack -=)

Worm clamps work pretty good i guess, i used to use them on my intercooler pipings and they held up pretty good. Thanks...home depot here I come tonight!!!
Not that it was the easiest thing to do once the h2O gear was all mounted inside my case...but I went to Canadian Tire (Home Depot or whatever in the states) and got metal screw down hose clamps that are often used for automotive applications. They're not to expensive, and they look frickin' slick being a chrome/silver color...much nicer then the black "worm clamp" things that most h2O e-tailers carry.
cornelious0_0 said:
Not that it was the easiest thing to do once the h2O gear was all mounted inside my case...but I went to Canadian Tire (Home Depot or whatever in the states) and got metal screw down hose clamps that are often used for automotive applications. They're not to expensive, and they look frickin' slick being a chrome/silver color...much nicer then the black "worm clamp" things that most h2O e-tailers carry.

aren't those called worm clamps? That is exactly what i'm talking about, those clamps where you have a screw and as you tigten the screw it tightens the clamp. They are pretty good and most of my buddies use them on their cars.
prophetx2 said:
aren't those called worm clamps? That is exactly what i'm talking about, those clamps where you have a screw and as you tigten the screw it tightens the clamp. They are pretty good and most of my buddies use them on their cars.

Could be, to tell you the truth I really hadn't heard the term before...but the screw-down are definitely far superior IMO...but I want some black ones for my next project. :D
cornelious0_0 said:
Could be, to tell you the truth I really hadn't heard the term before...but the screw-down are definitely far superior IMO...but I want some black ones for my next project. :D

GL with it. I"m so excited about this. I'm going to test the setup tonight and have it run over night to make sure there aren't any leaks. Ah the joys of spending cash -=)
prophetx2 said:
GL with it. I"m so excited about this. I'm going to test the setup tonight and have it run over night to make sure there aren't any leaks. Ah the joys of spending cash -=)

I wish I had that which brings joy..... :(

but anyways don't use zip ties for anything that could leak, its just too much risk.

I'd just go for the worm (also known as hose clamps) that you can get at really any plumbing or automotive store.
yeah those are the ones i'm talking about... i use a nut driver to tighten them (can also use a ratchet) that way i get them super tight, screwdrivers are harder to use to tighten them cause you can slip.
Worm Clamps = Godlike

No word of a lie. I wouldn't trust zipties, cause when you pull a ziptie tight around part of the barb, there is that one small section under the connecting area that would allow potential leaks, so you would have to use another ziptie to make sure that it won't leak.

All in all, worm clamps are just much easier.

And never ever get those reusuable clamps that can be snapped tight, they are a bitch on the fingers, and can be a major pain in the ass to remove. I could never ever get them tight enough to do their job correctly.
And never ever get those reusuable clamps that can be snapped tight, they are a bitch on the fingers, and can be a major pain in the ass to remove. I could never ever get them tight enough to do their job correctly.

Nor could I...never seemed like they were very tight at all...and rough to get to that point in the first place.

yeah those are the ones i'm talking about... i use a nut driver to tighten them (can also use a ratchet) that way i get them super tight, screwdrivers are harder to use to tighten them cause you can slip.

Good call, I never even thought of that, that's what more or less happened to me with the screwdriver "solution" with my hose clamps...I'll definitely go the route of the nut driver next time...thx. :D
Derrick70 said:
i use heatshrink i know it sounds crazy but it works for me.

Not to shoot down your methods...but just because you've never had any issues with it doesn't mean it's necessarily what should be recommended to h2O first-timers. I don't know how easy/possible it is to develop a tight enough seal around the tubing/barb to ensure water will not be aloud through.

It is a different way of getting things done, but I can't say I've ever seen it done before.

Props to you for the unique "clamps". :cool:
cornelious0_0 said:
Not to shoot down your methods...but just because you've never had any issues with it doesn't mean it's necessarily what should be recommended to h2O first-timers. I don't know how easy/possible it is to develop a tight enough seal around the tubing/barb to ensure water will not be aloud through.

It is a different way of getting things done, but I can't say I've ever seen it done before.

Props to you for the unique "clamps". :cool:

yes you have a good point i wouldent do it unless you feal it will work with your app i know i tested mine.
here is a pick as you can see i did it this way to get rid of zip ties and worm clamps
Derrick70 said:
here is a pick as you can see i did it this way to get rid of zip ties and worm clamps

Nice, very a very different look that I do actually like a fair bit. :)