Installing 6800...


Apr 29, 2005
I'm putting in my Geforce 6800, and I currently have a 5200, what is the process of putting the 6800 in. Do I install drivers, then put in the card or do I put in the card, then install drivers?
i would uninstall drivers, install card, install new drivers(thats how i would do it)

but since they are both nividia cards, in theory you wouldnt have to do anything but just switch cards
I installed it, but now, I am having problems. One difference I happen to noticed, was that before the load screen with Windows XP and the progress bar. There used to always be a DOS-esque screen stating the old cards name ie. "Nvidia 5200, 256 mb, ver..." But when I put in the eVGA 6800 and installed drivers, i just get a blank screen, with a flashing underline instead of saying "Nividia 6800, 128mb, ver..." like it should. What is the deal, I installed drivers, and after the load screen I described earlier, the screen just turns black, and stays black until I have to restart the comp after waiting forever. Any help?
Not all cards display what it is at boot, depends if it is in the cards BIOS. Not sure why it is hanging booting up though. What power supply do you have?
Take the BIOS battery out, install the card, turn on the computer with the battery removed, and let it reconfigure for 20 seconds, then turn it off and replace the battery with a new one.