Installation CD Creation?


Needs More Cowbell
Nov 5, 2001
I'm working on a project and would like to create an installation CD that will auto-run when inserted into a Windows machine.

I'd like to create a nice (but basic) GUI interface that will allow the user to select from a couple of different options (links), including installing a basic software package, being able to link to PDF and TXT files, and hopefully being able to send a file straight to a printer.

I have some experience with VB.Net (which I'm guessing might be applicable here), but to be honest, I've never made anything like this before (only some basic auto-run stuff, slipstreamed Windows installations, etc). My experience in this area is somewhat limited... especially considering all of my programming experience is in web development on *nix platforms.

Anyone know of a good online resource that could get me started in the right direction?

You could try Adobe Macromedia Director, but at $1200, it's a bit pricey. There is a free demo, though.

Other than that, I have used simple HTML documents before, with reasonable success.

<a href="\setup.exe">Click here to set up this application</a>

That kind of thing. These days, however, you are likely to get some flak from IE about running local javascripts or active content or whatever.