Install Apple firmware update without OS X?


Oct 11, 2001
I have a mid-2011 MBA that I run Windows 7 x64 on exclusively. I caught a headline today about a new firmware update for my model, which got me curious as to how I'd upgrade.

It appears I need OS X to install this update. Is booting from USB and performing a web install of OS X to a USB key my best bet for performing low-level updates like this in the future? Or, does anyone know if I'm able to perform a network boot (to reinstall OS X, for example) and that will enable me to update the firmware over the web?
Interesting situation. Yeah unfortunately I think you need a working OSX system to install the update, and sadly using a boot disc (or USB drive) won't work since I think it can't check for software updates until the OS is installed.

Your best bet may be to get a USB thumbdrive and install/copy a version of OSX on it. Then you can boot from it and do these kinds of things.
For the future, I'd install OS X on it and keep nothing on it, and just use it for updates. Probably the easiest way to update, as long as you are already set up for it.
Even if you use Bootcamp, there still should be an OSX partition. Restart your computer and hold the "option" key. See if you still have the option to boot into OSX.