Insidious nVidia over-optimisation

Yeah, i switched back to the X800XL in my primary rig. SM 3.0 and all that is just not enough to sacrafice the higher quality visuals (overall besides SM 3_0 in certain games). ATI may be behind a bit with theitech but that cards themselves are extremely well made and cooler running (usually) and hold a higher constant FPS average imo. I had a 6800GT and the X800XL and i simpy like the X800XL better on the greater share of games that i have.
You know. All you fanATic's seem to still be ripping on this shimmering...kinda funny imo.

Whatever gets your jollys off...

Anyways. i have NEVER seen this shimmering problem on any of my cards.

I have my settings set to HQ all the time. and even quality somtimes if i can't run what i want.

I still don't see this stupid ass shimmering problem. I think the people that complain about this shimmering issue, have nothing better to do with there life. if you can't enjoy the games you play, but yet LOOK for flaws, i think you have issues.

Either way. Build a bridge and get over it. Shimmering is only seen by people who REALLY look for it. And have nothing better to do cause there favorite company is crapping on them. (cough ati cough). Stop bitching. stop crying and just STFU!
Meanwhile, back in my world, I play at high rez, with all eye candy on, and notice no problems whatsoever, on either the 6800GT or the 7800GT
ToyYoda03 said:
That really pissed me off, I just wish there was a good, honest, video card company out there today that was mainstream.

There was.

nVidia bought them, remember? ;)
Doward said:
There was.

nVidia bought them, remember? ;)


I loved 3dfx, but they were going to die anyways. Adding more than one cpu to a card was the only way they could keep up.
Either way. Build a bridge and get over it. Shimmering is only seen by people who REALLY look for it. And have nothing better to do cause there favorite company is crapping on them. (cough ati cough). Stop bitching. stop crying and just STFU!

To each their own it seems.
All I can say to you is enjoy what you have got because you have the fastest card and dont get any visual problems. If ATi were to have an optimization that led to flawed visuals then trust me everyone on this fourm who start getting on ATis case. With Nvidia it seems as if certain people like to turn or blind eye or just say "Its happened from both companies before" which is dumb because thats not the issue.
Well to a small group of people it is.,
[RIP]Zeus said:
You know. All you fanATic's seem to still be ripping on this shimmering...kinda funny imo.

Whatever gets your jollys off...

Anyways. i have NEVER seen this shimmering problem on any of my cards.

I have my settings set to HQ all the time. and even quality somtimes if i can't run what i want.

I still don't see this stupid ass shimmering problem. I think the people that complain about this shimmering issue, have nothing better to do with there life. if you can't enjoy the games you play, but yet LOOK for flaws, i think you have issues.

Either way. Build a bridge and get over it. Shimmering is only seen by people who REALLY look for it. And have nothing better to do cause there favorite company is crapping on them. (cough ati cough). Stop bitching. stop crying and just STFU!

competely agree.

And the reason nvidia people aren't saying this is a big deal is because they don't think it is. That's why we haven't often brought it up before. If you notice an admitted ATI !!!!!! strated this thread.
Nvidia buyers have noticed it just the loudest ones keep screaming about how they havent (Rollo,USMC2H4U,[RIP]Zeus.Prime1). Now I am not saying they are lying at all. I have to say they have it lucky not noticing this flaw. Just dont take it as this big personal attack on Nvidia its not but it is a problem no matter how you look at it. As long as they work to fix it I dont think anyone should be mad at anything.

If you like the Speed and Quality of ATI. Buy ATI.

If you like the Speed and Quality of nVidia. Buy nVidia.

If you want to talk about the merits of optimization, then go ahead. But try to do so on an merit onto itself. This nvida shimmers so ATI rocks argument is fucking retarded and brought up by people that have nothing better to do than masturbate to logos of thier favorite company. ATI cheating doesnt make nVidia better and nVidia cheating doesnt make ATI better. It is a stupid line of logic brought up by stupid people. Same thing could be said about Matrox if you follow this asinine train of thought. They haven't been cought cheating lately so therefore thier cards must be better than ATI and nVidia.
If you want to talk about the merits of optimization, then go ahead. But try to do so on an merit onto itself. This nvida shimmers so ATI rocks argument is fucking retarded and brought up by people that have nothing better to do than masturbate to logos of thier favorite company. ATI cheating doesnt make nVidia better and nVidia cheating doesnt make ATI better. It is a stupid line of logic brought up by stupid people. Same thing could be said about Matrox if you follow this asinine train of thought. They haven't been cought cheating lately so therefore thier cards must be better than ATI and nVidia.

Calm down! No one has said that! God damn people stop taking this as a personal attack!
Jesus Christ.... Has anyone said that Shimmering makes Nvidia suck and Ati Rock? No except you people who take this as a personal attack.
Elimi'Xed said:
^^^ What he said, also that and the fact that the nvidia drivers do not have the choice of turning the optimizations off at all, while in ati drivers its very VERY easy (just un-check the A.I setting)

.... and you are wrong too. AI does things so much as shader replacements. I dunno, people have thrown a fit on what you can't disable on ATi cards. I though also, want the ops to stay, just the bad stuff OUT.
{NG}Fidel said:
Calm down! No one has said that! God damn people stop taking this as a personal attack!
Jesus Christ.... Has anyone said that Shimmering makes Nvidia suck and Ati Rock? No except you people who take this as a personal attack.

Not trying to take this as a personal attack...I am just sick and tired of people bringing up a subject that is moot...From what i have seen. It's only the MAJOR fan b0ys who bring up shit like this.

As russ said...look who put up this post.
DocFaustus said:

If you like the Speed and Quality of ATI. Buy ATI.

If you like the Speed and Quality of nVidia. Buy nVidia.

If you want to talk about the merits of optimization, then go ahead. But try to do so on an merit onto itself. This nvida shimmers so ATI rocks argument is fucking retarded and brought up by people that have nothing better to do than masturbate to logos of thier favorite company. ATI cheating doesnt make nVidia better and nVidia cheating doesnt make ATI better. It is a stupid line of logic brought up by stupid people. Same thing could be said about Matrox if you follow this asinine train of thought. They haven't been cought cheating lately so therefore thier cards must be better than ATI and nVidia.
This post made me laugh my ass off.. because in this sick world its true.

Thanks for the laugh Doc!
Yoshiyuki Blade said:
Well, according to your little research that you proposed in your first post, I don't think a 30% performance hit is measly.

I think you misunderstood; however, i'm lazy, so i cba to explain :D
Suffice it to say i was actually agreeing with you on that aspect (i think)
Russ said:
competely agree.

And the reason nvidia people aren't saying this is a big deal is because they don't think it is. That's why we haven't often brought it up before. If you notice an admitted ATI !!!!!! strated this thread.

What's your point? How does that change the fact that they've used sneaky underhand tactics to convince the easily convinced that they are superior?
DocFaustus said:

If you like the Speed and Quality of ATI. Buy ATI.

If you like the Speed and Quality of nVidia. Buy nVidia.

If you want to talk about the merits of optimization, then go ahead. But try to do so on an merit onto itself. This nvida shimmers so ATI rocks argument is fucking retarded and brought up by people that have nothing better to do than masturbate to logos of thier favorite company. ATI cheating doesnt make nVidia better and nVidia cheating doesnt make ATI better. It is a stupid line of logic brought up by stupid people. Same thing could be said about Matrox if you follow this asinine train of thought. They haven't been cought cheating lately so therefore thier cards must be better than ATI and nVidia.
Wally said:
It turns out that nVidia's been over-optimising its cards at the expense of its customers, with better results in benchmarks earning it a reputation for better performance, whilst sacrificing image quality to such an extent that artefacting in some games renders them nearly unplayable.

i'm going with the X8xx series,

this underhand manipulation

ensured that I avoid nVidia cards for as long as they exist
(bit of an ATi f a n b o y myself anyway, so i prolly wouldn't buy nVidia even if they hadn't done this. Not the point.).

Hey WALLY... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

My X800XT does it too.

But I can tell you 100% from experience BF2 looks MUCH better on the 7800GT/GTx than it does on ANY ATi card. (Yea, thats from experience dude)

STFU Go flame nvidia on your !!!!!! sites please.
ToyYoda03 said:
nvidia recommends quality, and not high can decrease game performance as much as 30 percent

I have to say it...shut the fuck up if you dont know what you are talking about

I have tested over 50 games and the drop in HQ mode with all OPTS off is 3 fps MAX

They only recommend Q mode to reviewers