INSANE Zalman CNPS700B-AlCu Led Heatsink fan for $3.95!!

Just called them, first time I waited on hold for about 30 seconds, someone picked up and hung up, then I called back and talked to some Indian sounding guy, he said my package was all boxed up and waiting to be shipped, hopefully sometime later this afternoon I'll get a tracking #. Good Luck to everyone trying to get it at listed price
cancelled and backordered
oh well gave it a shot, too many thirsty nigs that made this deal go sour.
KamikazeSloth said:
hey dolphumous, do you live in leesburg now? I'm originally from Tavares, small world kinda :D

Nope. Everyone else in my family lives there. It's kinda givin them 'props'. lol

I know where Tavares is though. :)

I wish I caught this thread @ the beginning. I would have ordered a few.
Komataguri said:
I don't know how it is in ther est of the country.

But there are laws in some places that state that a product must be sold for its advertised price, weither that price was a misprint/mistake or not, it has to be sold for that price until they change the display.

Meaning they can not deny sale or cancle sale because of a misprint, they must sell for the price advertised by law.

They do have the right not to provide a service, but they cannot provide a service or product with misleading information. Basically, they can't say "3.95" and then charge you "39.95" without first informing you.

If they do, hit them with false advertising and get a lawyer.
Well from looking at it, I honestly doubt that Axion would honor that price, now if less people had gone for it, a single person might have been able to talk to someone in charge there and work it out, but after the mighty [H] discovered it, all bets are off. I've been wanting to get a new HSF anyway, so I just found a reason to get one, :cool:

I'm actually up in Tallahassee, I was born and raised in Tavares but moved up here for my folks, I've still got all of my family down in either Tavares or Eustis. Kinda miss the old place, but its changed alot since I used to live there.
ok mine says cancelled and on backorder too. But I used my debit card. here is how it goes

1 ACCNBALCULED Zalman Ultra-Quiet CPU Cooler Fan for Intel 478 & AMD 462, 754, 939 & 940 blueLED CNPS7000B-AlCULED
3.95 3.95
1 NOTES Referred by - IP : [] - FROM :
0.00 0.00
Pay# Term Amt Due Date Paid Date
1 VISA 0.00 03/13/2005 NOT PAID

TAX + 0.00

edit: I checked my statements and they have not charged the order, so am I good and can go ahead and buy the cooler somewhere else?
Komataguri said:
No, quite true.

For false advertising (printing an add for a picture of a model X product and then selling you a model Y product in that box.) There is absolutely no obligation for a company to honor a pricing error (in fact, if you root around on that site long enough i'm sure you will come across a disclaimer stating as much.)
Apallohadas said:

They do have the right not to provide a service, but they cannot provide a service or product with misleading information. Basically, they can't say "3.95" and then charge you "39.95" without first informing you.

If they do, hit them with false advertising and get a lawyer.

That's not false advertising, that would be fraud.

False advertising is offering to sell one thing and selling something else.
yay, it says my order is being shipped. i should have it here around 1-6 buissness days.

ZALMAN (ITEM # 71497)

Pictures are subject to change without notification.

Zalman Ultra-Quiet CPU Cooler Fan for Intel 478 & AMD 462, 754, 939 & 940 blueLED CNPS7000B-AlCULED
Manufacturer: ZALMAN
Mfg. Part No: CNPS7000B-AlCULED
Axion Item No: 71497
Availability: 24 hours (See Detail)
Condition: New
Packaging: Retail Box
Weight: 1 Lbs
Warranty: 1 Year
User Rating: (1 Review)

Price: $31.95
Test this product before shipping (add $4.95)

looks corrected at this time. :(


ID Order # Order Date Status Status Date Total ($US)
1 0503101160 03-13-2005 CANCELLED 24.53
Showing 1 - 1 of 1

those bastards cancelled my order.

That's it, i'm PISSED.

Kaiga said:
yay, it says my order is being shipped. i should have it here around 1-6 buissness days.

Did they charge you the correct amount? I'd double/triple check to be absolutely sure, if you did get it, congrats man, I wonder if I could've gotten away with it. Oh well, no big deal.
KamikazeSloth said:
Did they charge you the correct amount? I'd double/triple check to be absolutely sure, if you did get it, congrats man, I wonder if I could've gotten away with it. Oh well, no big deal.

I had ordered one of these too but then my order got cancelled. So I called them and they said it was a glich in their system and they wouldn't honor the pricing error. I suspect that they probably haven't completely updated people's order status as yet since they probably have about 1,000 orders to cancel :eek:
so if you ordered using credit/debit and they had not charged it in the first place, you are cool? I am a bit freaked because I don't want to buy from here if they charge the full price.
FYI, axiontech was picked up by directron earlier this year. They kept the name and website I guess due to brand recognition? Funny really, as around Houston directron is known as the better of the two companies... Did the ppl answering the phones id themselves as axion or directron?
The few times I called earlier today, they answered Axion, so I wasn't aware that they were affiliated with Directron, I've used Directron before and didn't have any problems, hopefully my order won't be problematic.
KamikazeSloth said:
The few times I called earlier today, they answered Axion, so I wasn't aware that they were affiliated with Directron, I've used Directron before and didn't have any problems, hopefully my order won't be problematic.

Yeah, I dig directron for almost all of my purchases. I had hoped they'd bring the axion name up, not the either way around :(
Reseller Ratings FAQ said:
Q: We made a product pricing error that was corrected within 3 working days but when we cancelled the orders for the erroneously priced product, the customers flocked to ResellerRatings to bash us. Is there anything we can do about this?

A: It is against our policies to accept ratings from customers whose orders were cancelled due to a pricing error that was corrected within 3 working days. In our view, it is an abuse of this entire ratings and reviews process to penalize a retailer for an honest mistake, simply because customers tried to get away with a "too good to be true" price and became angry when their orders were cancelled. We will accept and display written reviews regarding price errors, but the ratings portion of each customer's survey will be disabled and will not affect a merchant's rating averages. If possible, however, it's our recommendation that you should offer those customers a discount on a future order as an apology for the error.
That rules out the RR review, I guess.
I tried to pay via PP last night (03/10/05), and the PP payment went through. However, on my order status page it said CANCELLED. I wrote them an email to remind them to credit my PP account. Oh well, I really wasnt expecting anything anyway..but you never know.
digitalvynil said:
I tried to pay via PP last night (03/10/05), and the PP payment went through. However, on my order status page it said CANCELLED. I wrote them an email to remind them to credit my PP account. Oh well, I really wasnt expecting anything anyway..but you never know.

Same here, order cancelled, awaiting my PP credit.
they are canceling orders mine was canceled this morning,i talk to the guy and asked him why he said it was a typo on the website and that they have had over 900 orders hehe most of them came from the hardforum they said that they were going to start calling everyone that order and tell them what happen.
Here's the email, I finally received from them...

We regret to inform you that there has been a price mistake for CNPS7000B-ALCULED product. Our system is automated everyday, and there has been an error in the program. The price is supposed to be $31.95. We apologized for any inconvenience that it may have caused. Because of this inconvenience, we offer you a discount up to 2% for your next order only. We will need you order number as the code for discount. Please contact john at 281-575-0007 x1158 for further information or to help you place your next order. Thank you so much for your understanding.
John, Axion Sales
[email protected]
unzipu21 said:
they have had over 900 orders

note to the original thread starter:

If you're going to try and take adavatage of a price mistake, posting the link on a computer enthusiast website is the wrong way to go about it LOL.
KuJaX said:
I got the same e-mail. :) awaiting refund.

was fun ride. :D
yea it was but doesn't it suck because if you refund a paypal payment don't you have to pay a charge to actually refund it? i think so.
They refunded my paypal. Im not mad, had a good hunch it was going to happen. Worth a shot anyways.
Qwertyman said:
yea it was but doesn't it suck because if you refund a paypal payment don't you have to pay a charge to actually refund it? i think so.

This is what I got when I asked why it was cancelled.

I apologize for the inconvience. We had a problem with our website over the past weekend. The product you're buying is incorrect price. The Price should be $31.95 each not $3.95 For those who has placed this item during the weekend, all orders has been cancelled.

Thank You,
Best Regards,

Annie C.
Sales Executive
Office: (713)933-0947
Fax: (281)575-0012

yeah they cancelled mine too -i might just use their 2% off offer on something as if to say 'no hard feelings'

Qwertyman said:
yea it was but doesn't it suck because if you refund a paypal payment don't you have to pay a charge to actually refund it? i think so.

no you only have to pay the 'refund' charge if you refund after 60 days. but its not really a refund at that point you just send a payment back to them.

when i'me testing paypal scripts outside the pp sandbox, i do all kinds of refunds and as long as they get done in 60 days -no penalty
I guess I'm one of the few who actually bought it, the guy I talked to lowered my price from the 31.95 to 30 even and did my shipping at 7 instead of 7.60 something, all in all, not a bad deal, I just talked to "Son" online and he said it shipped from their vendor and I'd have a tracking # by tomorrow. I can't wait to get it and put it on, still rockin' my stock AMD HSF on my 2500.
I cry bullshit, especially to those who got it at the mistakened price. Honestly, if they are willing to do that they should allow each of us at least one at that price. I plan on spamming forums and resellerratings like mad against this company. I know it was a mistake, and wasn't fully expecting to get it at that deal, but come on! Besdies, fucking 2% doesn't even cover the entire price of shipping.

Sons of Bitches!
Yeah, they offered me $29 ("the lowest we can go- that's our cost"), but that's close enough to normal price that it's not worth jumping on.
mavalpha said:
A: It is against our policies to accept ratings from customers whose orders were cancelled due to a pricing error that was corrected within 3 working days. In our view, it is an abuse of this entire ratings and reviews process to penalize a retailer for an honest mistake, simply because customers tried to get away with a "too good to be true" price and became angry when their orders were cancelled. We will accept and display written reviews regarding price errors, but the ratings portion of each customer's survey will be disabled and will not affect a merchant's rating averages. If possible, however, it's our recommendation that you should offer those customers a discount on a future order as an apology for the error.

That rules out the RR review, I guess.

What about on the grounds that they canceled it and didn't bother notifying people? I didn't get any such notification at least (although their site has the mysterious and unexplained Canceled:Backordered status showing).