In case you were wondering what REALLY goes on in a WoW RP Server

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Put weird people together and they will do weird things.

I remember seeing it in Phantasy Star Online too.
they ARE on feathermoon if u want to go harass them. though i bet those chars were deleted quickly
Hehe, that's great! I sent it to my WoW playing friends. They all got a chuckle out of it...
Holy shit :eek: . I started on an RP server and nothing even remotely close to anything role playing. Damn that was so hilarious.
the pirate one is still funny, now the cybering is just sad and pathetic not to mention bannable.
i needed a good laugh today, that's some hilarity right there!

and yea, sadly MMORPG = Many Men Online Role-Playing Girls
Happens all the time.

People do it in fricken Renegade, the most poor piecve of shit FPS ever.

Its rediculous.

What's up with this:

"Attacking players form positions to which the guards cannot path is against our policy."


"You cannot attack people on the ground from a tower"

Why not? Could someone explain this to me? Just for example's sake here - if I come across a Horde guard, and I know that if I climb on a hill and he can't get to me, and I kill him, why is that wrong? Am I not just being smarter? If I can find a way to kill him and not be attacked, why not?
because if he cant physically get to you its an exploit. Its not meant to be like that in game just because you can do it doesnt make you smarter. ;)
shiffero said:
thye need to post this in the WoW forums os ppl can laugh at them in game.
where do you think it was posted first? like a week ago too.
thedork said:
because if he cant physically get to you its an exploit. Its not meant to be like that in game just because you can do it doesnt make you smarter. ;)

It's not my problem he can't get to me. So if I see a Horde guard and I know he's too strong for me, but I know I can beat him by shooting at him from a place he can't reach me, I'll do it. As long as I don't use cheats/hacks I don't see why it matters.
cuemasterfl said:
It's not my problem he can't get to me. So if I see a Horde guard and I know he's too strong for me, but I know I can beat him by shooting at him from a place he can't reach me, I'll do it. As long as I don't use cheats/hacks I don't see why it matters.
Since all of Blizzard's talent has apparently left for studios such as Flagship or NCSoft, when something is broken they aren't able to fix it. Instead their solution is to impose more rules and regulations on the players.

There is the no attacking from towers because they don't know how to retrofit their guards with ranged weapons or to make them smart enough to climb the tower's ramps ( or to put guards on the towers, only blizzard wouldn't put guards on the guard towers. This whole thing I think got started by people in tarren mill and Gagetzan jumping on boxes and barels and canopies to get up on the buildings and shoot at people and of course the guards couldn't do the same jumping manuveurs. I blizzard equipted them with ranged weapons they could fight back (again blizzard was apparently unable to modify these guards, which should be possible since other mobs in the game have ranged attacks). Me and my guild got busted for fighting on top of the Gromgol tower, there is a clear ramp designed for players to walk up that horde (and alliance) both use to get to the Golbin Zeplin that is intended to be reached (I think we are anyway since its listed as a mode of transportation).

Another instance of their crazy rules is an engineering item, I think it was a telescope of some kind allowed people to jump into the air and stay there and hover. So they made a rule that you are not allowed to use that item until they fixed it. Although they probably took the easy route and just deleted the item from the game like they did with Mage's invisibility and couple other items. Spend time to fix it? naw just delete it.

There was the Molten Core problem where a hunter was pulling a boss mob and then a warlock would summon him out of danger, when timed correctly it made the encounter easier. Since they were able to find a way to use their combined abilities of ranged attack and teleportation that Blizzard hadn't anticipated they banned them. You can't be original or creative and come up with your own strategies, you must do it just as blizzard intended. For instance the previously mentioned attacking from towers... Blizzard didn't reazlie that ranged attacks work better from higher ground so when players try to use this strategy they just ban them.

Creativity = NO!

edit: to also add, even though you have to play using blizzard's strategy's, they don't tell you what these strategies are. So you have to experiment and hope that the combination of abilites from different classes you put together they don't later call an exploit because they didn't plan on it.
cuemasterfl said:
It's not my problem he can't get to me. So if I see a Horde guard and I know he's too strong for me, but I know I can beat him by shooting at him from a place he can't reach me, I'll do it. As long as I don't use cheats/hacks I don't see why it matters.

because people will farm XP's without any danger
its called an exploit for a reason
Glad to see you're on my side of the argument.

Menelmarar said:
Since all of Blizzard's talent has apparently left for studios such as Flagship or NCSoft, when something is broken they aren't able to fix it. Instead their solution is to impose more rules and regulations on the players.

There is the no attacking from towers because they don't know how to retrofit their guards with ranged weapons or to make them smart enough to climb the tower's ramps ( or to put guards on the towers, only blizzard wouldn't put guards on the guard towers. This whole thing I think got started by people in tarren mill and Gagetzan jumping on boxes and barels and canopies to get up on the buildings and shoot at people and of course the guards couldn't do the same jumping manuveurs. I blizzard equipted them with ranged weapons they could fight back (again blizzard was apparently unable to modify these guards, which should be possible since other mobs in the game have ranged attacks). Me and my guild got busted for fighting on top of the Gromgol tower, there is a clear ramp designed for players to walk up that horde (and alliance) both use to get to the Golbin Zeplin that is intended to be reached (I think we are anyway since its listed as a mode of transportation).

Another instance of their crazy rules is an engineering item, I think it was a telescope of some kind allowed people to jump into the air and stay there and hover. So they made a rule that you are not allowed to use that item until they fixed it. Although they probably took the easy route and just deleted the item from the game like they did with Mage's invisibility and couple other items. Spend time to fix it? naw just delete it.

There was the Molten Core problem where a hunter was pulling a boss mob and then a warlock would summon him out of danger, when timed correctly it made the encounter easier. Since they were able to find a way to use their combined abilities of ranged attack and teleportation that Blizzard hadn't anticipated they banned them. You can't be original or creative and come up with your own strategies, you must do it just as blizzard intended. For instance the previously mentioned attacking from towers... Blizzard didn't reazlie that ranged attacks work better from higher ground so when players try to use this strategy they just ban them.

Creativity = NO!
cuemasterfl said:
What's up with this:

"Attacking players form positions to which the guards cannot path is against our policy."


"You cannot attack people on the ground from a tower"

Why not? Could someone explain this to me? Just for example's sake here - if I come across a Horde guard, and I know that if I climb on a hill and he can't get to me, and I kill him, why is that wrong? Am I not just being smarter? If I can find a way to kill him and not be attacked, why not?

This rule came into effect way back in beta. The reason was level 60s were climbing onto rooftops in BB and ratchet and one-shoting lowbies. The fact that they were so much higher meant that you could not get close enough to fight back, or get far enough away to get out of range. Level 60s were griefing lowbies and ruining there play experience.

Its clearly an exploit. When you exploit game mechanics, mainly that the guards are there for a reason, to protect people in the city, you are exploiting how the game works.

Real simple rule.
Draax said:
This rule came into effect way back in beta. The reason was level 60s were climbing onto rooftops in BB and ratchet and one-shoting lowbies. The fact that they were so much higher meant that you could not get close enough to fight back, or get far enough away to get out of range. Level 60s were griefing lowbies and ruining there play experience.

Its clearly an exploit. When you exploit game mechanics, mainly that the guards are there for a reason, to protect people in the city, you are exploiting how the game works.

Real simple rule.
Not really when there are so many mobs in the game with ranged attack that blizzard couldn't have fixed this without making blanket rules.

Ratchet is a protected city (meaning alliance can't attack horde unless attacked first or the horde flag themselves for PvP), if you are that low of a level and getting one shotted by alliance there then you should just give up and quit the game.

Booty Bay is incredibly easy to ge ton top of rooftops because of the way the town is build on the side of a cliff face. Give me a break. They designed the city of walk ways over walk ways and buildings stacked on top of each other. They designed the city like this, its a dangerous place. Its a PvP realm, be ready to PvP. They could again always give the guards guns that hit as hard as their fists.

Same for Gadgetezan. Ban players for finding a tactical locaiton? ha!

Its Blizzard's game, they created it, they maintain it, you aggreed to their TOS. If you don't want to play by their communist rules then don't support the commies by paying monthly like many people, I had about 20friends around my school playing as well as another 30-40 in my guild just 1 by 1 leave the game. I played a warrior to 60 in beta, a pally to 60 in retail and got a warlock to aorund 50 and started to realize how lame their rules are.

Lots of pointless rule are simply not fun, among other things such as no further advancement once you reach 60 and get your blue set. At least for those of us unwilling ot spend 6-10 hours on MC runs. 1.5-3hours in Upper Spire was pushing it.
Menelmarar said:
Not really when there are so many mobs in the game with ranged attack that blizzard couldn't have fixed this without making blanket rules.

Ratchet is a protected city (meaning alliance can't attack horde unless attacked first or the horde flag themselves for PvP), if you are that low of a level and getting one shotted by alliance there then you should just give up and quit the game.
What level is the barrens ? average is 20. The real question is what are 60s doing in ratchet. The answer is they are griefing, that is all there is to do there, at that level. A more accurate thing to say is, if you are 60 and griefing in ratchet, you should quit.

Booty Bay is incredibly easy to ge ton top of rooftops because of the way the town is build on the side of a cliff face. Give me a break. They designed the city of walk ways over walk ways and buildings stacked on top of each other. They designed the city like this, its a dangerous place. Its a PvP realm, be ready to PvP. They could again always give the guards guns that hit as hard as their fists.

Same for Gadgetezan. Ban players for finding a tactical locaiton? ha!
Ya they could give guards guns, or people could not exploit the guard pathing.

Its Blizzard's game, they created it, they maintain it, you aggreed to their TOS. If you don't want to play by their communist rules then don't support the commies by paying monthly like many people who were around. I played a warrior to 60 in beta, a pally to 60 in retail and got a warlock to aorund 50 and started to realize how lame their rules are.

Im not sure what you are getting at here. Yes you agreed to the TOS which clearly states rooftop camping is not allowed. In your words you agreed to the TOS so you abide by there rules. Your post comes off very hypocritical.

Nazi's ..... please :rolleyes:
Draax said:
This rule came into effect way back in beta. The reason was level 60s were climbing onto rooftops in BB and ratchet and one-shoting lowbies. The fact that they were so much higher meant that you could not get close enough to fight back, or get far enough away to get out of range. Level 60s were griefing lowbies and ruining there play experience.

Its clearly an exploit. When you exploit game mechanics, mainly that the guards are there for a reason, to protect people in the city, you are exploiting how the game works.

Real simple rule.
I also want to say thank you, your probably one of the many that complained so much to Blizzard because you chose the wrong realm type. If you had chosen a carebear server instead of a PvP one you would not be griefed and therefore no reason to cry. Thanks again for dumbing it down for the rest of us.
Menelmarar said:
I also want to say thank you, your probably one of the many that complained so much to Blizzard because you chose the wrong realm type. If you had chosen a carebear server instead of a PvP one you would not be griefed and therefore no reason to cry. Thanks again for dumbing it down for the rest of us.

You know what they say when you make assumptions right ?

I am part of the Hardguild on stormscale, which is a PvP server. I started on a PvE server got a hunter to level 55, then changed over and am now have a 52 war.

I never send in tickets to the GMs. So take you baseless assumptions and cram them. The rules are clear you cannot rooftop exploit. Im sorry you have an IQ lower then mayonaise and cant follow very simple rules that were implemented for a reason.

And please telling me to go play on a carebear server is just sad. Do you really need to use the preschool arguments. I think you may have posted on the wrong boards. If you want to post "OMFG NOOB GO CRY AND PLAY ON A CAREBARE SERVER" then I suggest you go to
Draax said:
What level is the barrens ? average is 20. The real question is what are 60s doing in ratchet. The answer is they are griefing, that is all there is to do there, at that level. A more accurate thing to say is, if you are 60 and griefing in ratchet, you should quit.
It doesn't matter if they are there are not, they can't hurt your intarweb feelings if you don't flag yourself for PvP. cry more plz its funny.
Draax said:
Ya they could give guards guns, or people could not exploit the guard pathing.
Its not exploting if its as simple as jumping off a walkway ontop of a building. Its very simply finding a better location to fight. When JFK was assasinated the killer didn't go climb in his car or get down inthe crowd to do it. Its just simple dumb. But thats what the noobs want, easy mode. And thus blizzard made it that way for you.
Draax said:
Im not sure what you are getting at here. Yes you agreed to the TOS which clearly states rooftop camping is not allowed. In your words you agreed to the TOS so you abide by there rules. Your post comes off very hypocritical.
I was just saying that even though I don't agree, I also don't condone the act of intentionally breaking blizzard's rules in their own game. Just merely leaving like many others have done. Even the PvP realms have become quite carebearish.
Menelmarar said:
It doesn't matter if they are there are not, they can't hurt your intarweb feelings if you don't flag yourself for PvP. cry more plz its funny.

Its not exploting if its as simple as jumping off a walkway ontop of a building. Its very simply finding a better location to fight. When JFK was assasinated the killer didn't go climb in his car or get down inthe crowd to do it. Its just simple dumb. But thats what the noobs want, easy mode. And thus blizzard made it that way for you.

I was just saying that even though I don't agree, I also don't condone the act of intentionally breaking blizzard's rules in their own game. Just merely leaving like many others have done. Even the PvP realms have become somewhat carebearish.

I didn't make the rules, I am just reiteration what they are. If you dont want to play by the rules, which you agreed to, then go play a different game. Its a very basic concept.

Honestly these forums are getting worse and worse. Someone asks why the rules are the way they are, and as soon as I try and explain them, I get told to cry, that I am a noob and a carebear. If you ask me its not problems like this that will be the downfall of WoW. It is the piss poor community and lack of maturity so many of the players seem to suffer from.
Aaron_ATX said:
The pirate dudes are pretty goddamn funny.

Yeah GM rules and ruling aside, the fact that these guys didnt break charecter was really the best part. "We be a crew and iffin one understands...."

Anyone see that crappy movie 'Dodgeball' the only clever part of the movie was the fact that one guys was a pirate. No explanation or anything, he was just a pirate.

I have heard rumors about all pirate guilds..
If you manage to get honorable, I think, maybe exhaulted, with bloodsail bucaneers you get a captains pirate hat, as a reward, that summons a parrot.

there is still greifing in gad.

i fouy go 2 step out of the city, there WILL BE an undead rouge somewhere wating to kill and camp you. u can only pray there are some alliance in the city to call to.