Import directory information


Oct 12, 2005
i have to some reports, and i need to manipulate and show tables of information from directories, i.e. file and folder names, file size, date created, etc. and place this kind of information into a word document or excel spreadsheet, and i know a there is a way to do it, but the only thing i can think of is to screenshot the directory and then use an OCR program to turn the pic back into text, but that is gonna mean a lot of work, there has to be a better way, because the DATA is there! and in a text usable format, but i cannot get just the info, fand i am just not seeing it, can you all on here help me out?

You should be able to get it from the command prompt. Open it up by going to start, run and entering CMD. Hit enter and a black box will pop up (unless the default colors have been changed).

Change to the drive you want to start your list at by entering it. So you wanted to get the directory of your C: drive, enter C: <enter>. You might have to type cd\ to get to the root of the drive.

Once there enter
dir /s > files.txt

It will list every file under that path and save the contents in a file named files.txt. From there you should be able to pull it into excel or some other application to generate your reports.