I'm playing fallout 3 for the first time and could use some advice.

I bought Fallout 3 GOTY earlier this year, but never played it much because of the stuttering and crashes. But what really left a sour taste in my mouth was reading this:


I remember reading that and feeling even worse about my purchase, but just how much truth is there to it?

It is from a random comment in gamingnewslink. 320 copies to be studied by "My Computer Science Engineering department"? That's a bit too far fetched.

I'm not sure about it. Maybe truth mixed with error? Against one point, the guy claims that it installs an old version of Visual Studio 2005. Maybe it really does.... or maybe that claim is complete pooh. I'm not sure, but I'll say that the makers of Fallout Script Extender would know.... and one of them said the game was made with Visual Studio 2008. When they work with the .exe they use VS 2008 for Fallout and VS 2005 for Oblivion just to keep in sync with the compiler for it's respective game. If the game is based off of 2008, I'm not sure why the installer would put on 2005 files, unless both would be used. (not sure if that's normal though).
I bought Fallout 3 GOTY earlier this year, but never played it much because of the stuttering and crashes. But what really left a sour taste in my mouth was reading this:


I remember reading that and feeling even worse about my purchase, but just how much truth is there to it?

Disregard it.


^^ Anyone playing Fallout 3 owes it to themselves to look this over as well. :)
I reinstalled FO3 last night and rolled a new character, couldn't resist!
Well so far I've snitched out mr Burke, he killed the mayor guy in megaton, I killed burke.
Moriarty charged me 300 caps for info, what a snake he is, I should of killed him to lol.
I'm on the survivalist quest now, went to super mart killed a deathclaw in the parking lot and I saved it
inside the mart before it got ugly lol.

I'm really enjoying this game again, this time I'll actually get somewhere on the story. Last time I nukes megaton before I could get info about pops and I paid for it, at least Moira always had caps and I could sell her all my junk. I think I'm at 3hrs and 20minutes.

I hustled that junkie chick out of her caps by lying about moriarty too, then I robbed her but didn't kill her. She didn't even notice I took all her stuff. I'm having a blast playing this game again..
Heh, I robbed the safe for two vendors at Tenpenny. Now, they went out of business and won't sell anymore.
I'm gonna read that later tonight for sure. No fo3 for me tonight I have to install mw2 tonight still.
Heh, I robbed the safe for two vendors at Tenpenny. Now, they went out of business and won't sell anymore.

I managed to get all the vendors to leave during the ghoul quest. Due to the fact that I also blew up Megaton it became a huge inconvenience so I had to load up a previous save game.
I blew up megaton last time but not this time, I had ran out of recources because I killed all the trader caravans and Moira was also dead. Mr burke killed the mayor guy in the bar when he tried to take him to jail lol.

Now I'll still have moira to sell and buy from. I'm having a real good time this playthru. I'm trying to play smart and not burn my bridges with vendors because it sucks not having anyone to buy and sell with. Has any of you used the diy launcher that you buy from Moira? She said it shoots everything that you can find.,
eh, it works. just use it to shoot old currency. after you are done, go back and pick it up and use it again. infinite ammo that weighs nothing. of course as damage goes it kind of sucks.
There's videos on YouTube of people shooting Teddy bears, dinner plates and tin cans lol. They were getting one shot kills with a Teddy bear, it was pretty amusing.
Dunno how I got it, but I have a deathclaw gauntlet. Even though I'm designed for sniping, my perfect sneak + crit is allowing me to oneshot a lot of enemies so I save a ton of ammo. I've never had to buy any ammo. I'm running through the last DLC at around lvl 24 with 5000+ caps. I think I'm gonna finish the original content and hit level 30, then crank the difficulty to the max as I play the only DLC I havent done (Broken Steel).
Re-installed FO3 because of this thread. Played the hell out of it when it came out, I've probably done everything there is to do. But I didn't have eyefinity then, game feels like new again.

There are quite a few good mods for FO3, but the only 'essential' mod I found was the Broken Steel Companion Fix mod:


You might not actualy need it, but it fixes a random bug where certain companions in the game (Fawkes and Dogmeat) get their HP boosed by about 5000% making them functionaly immortal and taking all challenge from the game. (I didn't realise I had the bug untill I'd completed broken steel, but it explained why it seemed so underwhelming)

if you think you have the bug, hit tab, click on the companion and type "getavinfo health"
if the number is more than 5x yours, you probably have the bug (In my case, i had about 300hp, fawkes had half a million)
hrm, I saw the opposite. some of the reavers would soak up tons and tons of bullets.... took forever to kill
Are the Point Lookout and Starship Zeta DLC's worth playing? I'm waiting for them to go on sale again.
I think almost anyone would agree (me included) that Point Lookout is definitely worth while. Zeta... not so much so. There are a few cool parts in zeta, but for some reason it the DLC didn't feel very immersing. It's more silly than anything.
I can't wait to get to the dlc, I'm only 4 hrs into the game so it's gonna be awhile..
one other small point.... wandering and killing stuff is fine... but for the most and fastest XP go for the missions.
First, install all of the DLCs in the beginning, especially Broken Steel so you can get to level 30 and not end the game when you finish the main quest. Best order for playing the DLCs is:

1. Anchorage. You can (and should) do this as early as level 2, because when you go in, you temporarily lose all your gear (you get it back at the end of the DLC), and you leave with not one but two of the best sets of armor in the game, if you find all the secret suitcases.
2. The Pitt, any time. I'm doing it at about level 20.
3. Broken Steel, when you finish the main story line.
4. Mothership Zeta, because the guns are better than what you'll find in Point Lookout.
5. Point Lookout

Discussion about this found here.
THis is gonna sound super stupid lol but here it comes. Can you do the DLC at anytime or do you have to beat the story? If you can do the dlc at anytime how do you go about doing it? Im only 4 hours into the game so Ive got along time ahead of me still
THis is gonna sound super stupid lol but here it comes. Can you do the DLC at anytime or do you have to beat the story? If you can do the dlc at anytime how do you go about doing it? Im only 4 hours into the game so Ive got along time ahead of me still

Any time.
Do you just pop in the dlc disc? I tohught you had to beat the main story on the first disc then insert the second dlc disc and play thru the dlc. WHat if you play thru the whole first disc, can you then play the dlc or do you need to mix and match it?

Sorry for the noob questions i just got fo3 goty and I had no clue about how the dlc works lol
The expansions should be unlocked in the gaming world. You have to go to certain places to play those expansions. For instance I think once you have Mothership Zeta somewhere you will pick up an alien radio transmission and you have to find the source.

One odd ball thing is that if you have Broken Steel you will hear Three Dog talk about stuff on the radio that happened after you supposedly finished the main story line even if you haven't finished the main story line. At least that's what I came across on my Xbox.

If the installer for the expansions is on a separate disc I would recommend you hold off on installing Broken Steel until after you finish the main story line so as not to spoil any future events for you.
I had to install the second disc with all the expansions on it before I could play it. Thats what the directions in the manual said lol. I just dont want to play the main story line and beat it then not be able to play the expansions. I dont know when to go off and play them.

I see the info posted by someone else but its a choice i'll have to make
If you do not install Broken Steel, you will not be able to play at all after finishing the main storyline. Broken Steel changes the ending, and allows you to play after the main storyline is complete. You will also not be able to go past level 20 if you do not install Broken Steel; with Broken Steel installed, you will be able to go up to level 30.

There is no reason not to install the other DLCs at the beginning, and lots of reasons to install them, so do so.
Yeah i installed everything at the same time, i did disc one then disc 2 right after it. Thanks for the help man I appreciate it alot