I'm not going to trust Anandtech for GPU reviews any more.


Limp Gawd
Nov 9, 2007
If I were to trust Anand, I would think that the 280 GTX was a worse card with a worse gaming experience than the 9800 GX2 for more money! Judging by their performance curve, I would look like a moron buying a 280 GTX. Then I come over the the [H] and see that the GTX 280 blows the 9800 GX2 away. Take Crysis for example. Looking below, the 9800 GX2 is the clear winner;

Then you check the [H] graph, and lo and behold the GTX 280 is clearly showing a better experience in the game;

I think Anand has lost a lot in my views lately. I don't think the 280 GTX is what it should be for a $650 card, but it's clearly the current leader in gaming performance and Anand just fails to reach this conclusion through inferior testing methodology.

I still don't think I'll get one, and I'll at least wait for the 4800 series to come out, but if I went with Anand, I would think this was a bloody disaster!
I still don't think I'll get one, and I'll at least wait for the 4800 series to come out, but if I went with Anand, I would think this was a bloody disaster!

It is especially when the 9800GX2 is now ~$250 cheaper..;)
The anandtech results are apples to apples, whereas you posted the [H] 'highest playable settings' results. So you can't really say one review is more accurate than the other, since they're reviewing the cards from different 'angles'.
Well sure, it's not a worthwhile card at that price. But if they were the same price, the GTX 280 is clearly the better performer. You don't get that feeling with Anand, you would think the GTX 280 was just a single core GX2 at best!
The anandtech results are apples to apples, whereas you posted the [H] 'highest playable settings' results. So you can't really say one review is more accurate than the other, since they're reviewing the cards from different 'angles'.

Well sure but what good does that do at this point? If I'm shopping for a video card (which I am :) ) I want to know which card is going to give me the best experience. Anand might be useful for knowing which card will run a certain setting faster, but really, I want the highest setting possible for the most satisfying visual experience possible.

In that respect, those results are about as useful as an a$$hole on my elbow.
Well I bought two XFX GTX 280's yesterday, being shipped today and hopefully in hand tomorrow.

It's really hard to figure some of these reviews out. At some point they contradict one another from everything from PSU requirements to noise to performance. Like the review comparison above. Anandtech DIDN'T specify image settings. The GTX 280/260 aren't going to perform better than todays hardware in situations where the games are already screaming anyway. Indeed these cards only really start to flex their muscle when pushed to higher resolutions and settings in games that are slow on todays hardware.

Sure the GTX 280 is expensive. How is this really any different from other high-end nVidia launches? At any rate, I am looking forward to playing Crysis @ 1920x1200 on very high tomorrow!:D
Sure the GTX 280 is expensive. How is this really any different from other high-end nVidia launches? At any rate, I am looking forward to playing Crysis @ 1920x1200 on very high tomorrow!:D

...without any AA....:)

once again Nvidia lives up to their reputation of evolutionary changes not revolutionary

Remember a game called Far Cry?
If we use it as the example, we will be able to play Crysis properly around 4qtr. 2009
...without any AA....:)

once again Nvidia lives up to their reputation of evolutionary changes not revolutionary

Remember a game called Far Cry?
If we use it as the example, we will be able to play Crysis properly around 4qtr. 2009
why do you keep saying that crap? it didnt take over 2 years to play Far Cry on highest settings. :rolleyes:
Going by Anands review, the 8800gt sli setup looks like the best deal for gaming at 1600x1200/1680x1050. It beat out the gtx280 at that res and can be had for a lot less.
Going by Anands review, the 8800gt sli setup looks like the best deal for gaming at 1600x1200/1680x1050. It beat out the gtx280 at that res and can be had for a lot less.

Lol for the price of a GTX280 you can have 4 8800gts.... not sure if it'll run in that config but if it does I think it can beat a GTX280.
Going by Anands review, the 8800gt sli setup looks like the best deal for gaming at 1600x1200/1680x1050. It beat out the gtx280 at that res and can be had for a lot less.

I don't necessarily think that's true. It was well shown when Tom's liked to test everything at 800x600 with low quality to show how great new CPU's were for gaming. However, when you used settings someone would actually want to play on, the CPU became irrelevant. I think, sure, maybe at 1900x1200 with all settings at low on Crysis 8800GT's in SLi could beat a 280 GTX but am I going to play with settings on low in Crysis? No? Then which card setup will give me a better gaming performance? I think this is where [H] shines through.

Though, admittedly, this doesn't take value into consideration. If you can have 8800 GT's in SLi for under $300 these days (which you likely can) then obviously the 280 GTX is a horrible value. I'm not arguing for the value of the 280 GTX here at all. I'm simply stating that in trying to establish performance, which is incidently a key component of value, that Anandtech is irrelevant.
Looks like they intentionally messed up somewhere in the crysis part of their review. If you look at the comparison of the 280 vs the rest in other games anandtech specifies whether aa, af were enabled and too what extent. If you notice there is no notice of that or mention about that in the crysis part of the review. Probably they just tested the cards at different settings and put it all together trying to make the 280 look bad.