I'm getting tired of shooters.....

Dec 2, 2000
I'm one of those eclectic gamers who plays everything. From shooters, flight sims, rts, and sports. As long as it's good, I'll play it.

That said, is it me, or is there less variety in games these days? it seems like a trend now that games I play involve a FPS, or a 3rd person action game with shooting. Frankly, there's only so many ways you can kill someone.....

Not to hate them. Personlly, I love games like KOTR, No One Lives Forever, Halo, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, Half-Life, Deux Ex, Serious Sam, GTA3, Mafia, Max Payne, Tron 2.0, and you know I'm going to buy Doom 3 and Half-life 2. At least if my hardware supports it...by the time they come out, it might be the next generation already...

I miss space sims like Freespace 2 and X-wing. I miss adventure games like Full Throttle, Sam and Max, and Monkey Island, though I hear there are new versions of FT and S&M coming out :D. Hell, I like all of the Myst series. But i swear, each of these genres only comes out with ONE good game a year.

There are a few exceptions. NFSU, and Age of Mythology, and WC3 are excellent. Freedom Force was a good refresher too.

Maybe it's just me. I just want more games where I sit and think about what to do next....rather than rushing in and killing everything.

I know it's probably gotta do with money and making a game profitable. But why are only FPS's profitable these days? (society issues?)

Anyone else feel the same way?

PS...maybe this is why I play Gunbound too much..
Me personally, The only shooters I can really get into are the WWII based shooters that are based on real events. I tried halo and it was OK but games like UT and such don't do anything at all for me but I can understand what the appeal would be to some people.
> FT and S&M

I think both were cancelled. They weren't anything like the originals anyway, so don't cry too much.
Originally posted by eloj
I think both were cancelled. They weren't anything like the originals anyway, so don't cry too much.

:( *cries* :(
Doesn't anybody appreciate a game anymore that doesn't require a twitchy trigger finger? ...*goes back to freecell*
Are you playing these games on the hardest setting? If not that will add some thought to the game when you have smarter and more enemies. Just my .02.
Originally posted by Blue Knight
Anyone else feel the same way?

Yeah, I seem to get that feeling of "been there, done that" too often.

Prince of Persia SOT and Splinter Cell were my favorite this year because they were somewhat of a nice break from all the generic shooters out there.
There are no RPGs or Racing games on the PC.
I am, of course, comparing them to FZERO GX and Gran Turismo. Nothing like that on PC.
Theres no equivalent of Zelda on the PC or Resident Evil, nothing but stupid WWII shooters. I agree, im sick of shooters too, im not sure, but i might be sick of games in general.

I used to buy at least 1 game a month, but in 2003, I bought 4. And that was because I bought a gamecube and wanted some games with it, 2 of which dont count cause they were 2002 games. 0 PC games...

So yeah, there is a lack of imagination or innovation in the PC games today. its sad, but not really, maybe ill focus on my homework more now...
Yeah, I think there needs to be a little bit more variety in the games. It seems like most online games are either fps, rpg, or stratgey. We need more variety in the games online, like flight simulation and racing.
Ditto on that bro...Basically all the games on my computer right now are shooters...
The reason only FPS are profitable is because in time of need, in an emergency call, you yourself will run to the rescue in first person mode, making it more realistic to the average Joe looking to express his ego straight up against other strangers.
Originally posted by asusxp1900
Are you playing these games on the hardest setting? If not that will add some thought to the game when you have smarter and more enemies. Just my .02.

Harder game settings either upgrade the number of enemies, make their weapons do more damage, give you less ammo, or make them slightly smarter.

This just makes me walk and peak around corners more. woop...and since I only use headshots, I usually leave enough ammo around to take over panama...

But that wasn't the point. Regardless of what you play, at the end of the day, it's still me by my lonesome with a gun in my hand, taking down the rest of the world.

I second the vote that the PC needs a real racing simulation (and I don't mean nascar).

I went to the nickel arcade, and the game I loved the most?
Double Dragon :D good old 2d sprites and plane gameplay.

There's something mystical about simple games. I think 3d graphics, though necessary, have taken some of the simplicity away from games. Not to mention I'm tired of 3D camera problems. arg.
I felt the exact same way, I mean, I played KOTOR through 6 times. It was a great game, but the real reason was there was nothing else to play. So I started playing Vice City though again, but got bored with that too.

So.......on Saturday, popped in Dues Ex, played it til 5 in the morning. Granted thats an FPS, but I would hardly call it a normal FPS

Yeah and putting games on super hard doesnt create a new game, it just makes it more challenging or frustrating.

Flashpoint is a good change of pace for any of you out there who havent tried it. It might appear to be an FPS, but its actually a tactical war simulation. No hud, no health, no jump back triple jumps, 1 save per mission. Its bad ass, try it if you havent, you can get it and its 2 expansions for $30 and it is definately worth that.
I know excatly what you mean.

Latest game that felt "good" to play for me was prince of persia.

it just had the kind of retro story to it aswell as feeling to the gameplay.

Hell i still have my favorite older games installed, like Myth I and II, Blade of darkness, and adventure games.
Originally posted by KoDt
lol i love stuff like this

In the 1 and 1/2 months since my post, it must have been cancelled. I think one of the older issues of one of the PC game magazines (Nov/Dec/Jan, I forget) mentioned that it would be released. It's a bummer if it's cancelled, though. There is a lack of good adventure games in the market.
I've been playing bf1942, cs, and call of duty a bit, but my other current games i play often are diablo 2, warcraft 3, and neverwinter nights. Diablo 2 is probably my favorite pc game ever :)
An OFFLINE RPG [thank the mother of God, all those god forsaken online mashers are making me sick...1...great....2....cool....3,857.237....FURY!] some of you might want to check out is Bloodlines.
Originally posted by LeviathanZERO
Theres no equivalent of Zelda on the PC or Resident Evil, nothing but stupid WWII shooters. I agree, im sick of shooters too, im not sure, but i might be sick of games in general.

I used to buy at least 1 game a month, but in 2003, I bought 4. And that was because I bought a gamecube and wanted some games with it, 2 of which dont count cause they were 2002 games. 0 PC games...

So yeah, there is a lack of imagination or innovation in the PC games today. its sad, but not really, maybe ill focus on my homework more now...

I feel the SAME WAY!

Are games getting less innovative? or am I just getting bored of games in general.... Like you, I used to buy games all the time, back when I had my Nintendo64. I get the occasional PS2 game now, but not very often. Out of all the PS2 games in existance, there are only a handfull that interest me...
Originally posted by Blue Knight
I'm one of those eclectic gamers who plays everything. From shooters, flight sims, rts, and sports. As long as it's good, I'll play it.

That said, is it me, or is there less variety in games these days? it seems like a trend now that games I play involve a FPS, or a 3rd person action game with shooting. Frankly, there's only so many ways you can kill someone.....

Not to hate them. Personlly, I love games like KOTR, No One Lives Forever, Halo, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, Half-Life, Deux Ex, Serious Sam, GTA3, Mafia, Max Payne, Tron 2.0, and you know I'm going to buy Doom 3 and Half-life 2. At least if my hardware supports it...by the time they come out, it might be the next generation already...

I miss space sims like Freespace 2 and X-wing. I miss adventure games like Full Throttle, Sam and Max, and Monkey Island, though I hear there are new versions of FT and S&M coming out :D. Hell, I like all of the Myst series. But i swear, each of these genres only comes out with ONE good game a year.

There are a few exceptions. NFSU, and Age of Mythology, and WC3 are excellent. Freedom Force was a good refresher too.

Maybe it's just me. I just want more games where I sit and think about what to do next....rather than rushing in and killing everything.

I know it's probably gotta do with money and making a game profitable. But why are only FPS's profitable these days? (society issues?)

Anyone else feel the same way?

PS...maybe this is why I play Gunbound too much..

You are pretty much like I was some year ago.

I have mainly moved over to flight sims. Started with IL 2 and that go my heart pump harder than any fps game. There is no deathmatches as intense as the dog fights in IL 2 that´s for sure. Also it requires tons more skill to be really good at games like IL 2 than say games like Counterstrike. It´s not all about fast reactions and learn every sniping spots and such. Since every dog fight in IL 2 is quite unique.

I now started playing FS 2004 and enjoy it really much. I guess FS 2004 is the type of game you can play for years. There is so many different add ons for that game it´s just incredible. both freeware and payware.

I also got LOMAC but I am so busy with FS 2004 right now I will wait until I can play that beauty at high quality settings. That game is extremely hardware demanding. Look at my sig and I can just about forget playing it at near max settings at 1280x960x32.

To get a decent fps of 20 and above I will have to skip all anisotropic and play with 1280x960x16 with 4x aa. And that is with in game settings set to medium really. Explosions and other special effects I get a slideshow.

This is normal for LOMAC really. It´s the most demanding PC game we have seen so far but even at the settings I play at it do look gorgeous and better than any other game currently out there. LOMAC:s ground detail do compete directly with todays fps games.
Man, I miss X-Wing! *pulls out old floppies and blows away dust*

X-Wing was my favorite game back in the day!
I think there has definitely been a reduction in the variety of game types on the market ATM. Also, I think it's significant that in the recent "what games need sequels" thread, many were non-FPS & non-RTS types, which shows there is a demand for these types of game. However, I suspect that as FPS continue to enjoy good sales, developers will continue to play safe with FPS and similar games.

Hmm. Well, for FPS's I would suggest harder settings, that way you have to think and plan out what ur going to do, rather than just running around and "shooting" people.

I'm having a hard ass time with this game VietCong: Uncensored Edition on Veteran mode. I can't simply just shoot every VC I see. If I try that, I die so fast its not even funny. You have to sneak up as close as u can, maybe pick one off with a HS, then nade an area, and hope to god that it got another... I believe I'm on the 3rd mission... (missions are long as hell). If you haven't tried this game out, I think its worth the money. :D
I think immersion is the key for me for enjoying a good single player game. Half-Life was fun, but after 2x through, I will never touch it again. Games like Deus Ex, System Shock 2 and Theif I & II (crossing fingers for Thief 3) were amazing for me. These are what I would call an "experience", if you let it. I too have been playing a little more variety of game types and really enjoying the change. I have KOTOR, but have not fired it up yet. I am really looking forward to that game.

By the way, Sam & Max 2 was cancelled.
>By the way, Sam & Max 2 was cancelled.

Really? We had no IDEA!
You want an experience? Play Clive Barker's Undying. Holy cow that game sucks you in and scares the shit outta you.
I agree, I am not into those WW shooters, not really into any shooters actually. I was playing Ghost Recon and Raven Shield for a while but only to LAN with friends.

It would be nice to have a really nice RPG strictly made for the PC and not some sort of a port from consoles. Something that will actually take advantage of the top notch hardware.
Try the Gothic series of games for a RPG fix that isn't a console rpg port.

Gothic II is great, the enviroment is very natural feeling though the player models aren't as up to date as most games of today, it's an excellent rpg.

There's an expansion coming out for it aswell as Gothic III already planned.
Originally posted by Icewindius
My sig has no direct comparison to what I do in my spare time.

No but the RULES state the sigs are only supposed to be 10 lines long and no more then 15 words per line. :p
MX:Unleashed for Xbox is the greatest game ever! I love the ragdoll physics when you just beef it!

Yeah! I agree, the last shooter I played and enjoyed is/was Halo.

I downloaded the UT2004 demo two days ago and haven't even bothered to install it. That sucks huh. :(
Er...I'd say it has a pretty large implication as to what you do in your spare time. You implied that the people arguing should get a life, yet you've given your computer a name.

That's like me calling my car Sheila.

RvB reference not intentional.
Originally posted by TheGamerZ
You want an experience? Play Clive Barker's Undying. Holy cow that game sucks you in and scares the shit outta you.

That musta been the scariest FPS I'd ever played, beating out my the previous Half-Life. (I know I know...but those damn head crabs kept popping out of the weirdest places).

I was an idiot and turned up the sound and turned of the lights. My dorm roommate thought it was funny that I could only play for an hour at a time before I couldn't handle it.......Heck, I musta quicksaved like ever 30 seconds. lol....*I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die* :eek:

Currently working on Homeworld 2....it's a nice pace change from the traditional RTS. A bit slower, and more tactical. Ground Control was also good in this respect. Just waiting for the 2nd one to come out.

It's a shame about Sam&Max.....
I wish Lucas Arts would bring back the Tie Fighter stuff. You know redo the whole thing with updated graphics and such. That was the most addicting game ever IMO. I can just imagine flying an Interceptor up against Dreadnoughts and Y-wings in DX9 goodness. :D

But yeah there is no variety. It seems no one is trying to make anything that is totally different or even innovative. If a company like EA would get off their arse, and stop churning out crap, and spend more time on a FEW REALLY awesome games, life would be good.

I mean seriously, NFS: U would have been a Gran Turismo killer had they just invested some more time. But noooooo they had to slap some movie aura on it and sell.

What ever happened to Westwood??? Kind of a Newb question I know but hey.