IIS How to set application as subdomain.company.com (VirtualDirectory thing)


Limp Gawd
Oct 17, 2011

We have Track-It! installed on a server that we named ABC-SUPPORT. We have an A record of support.company.com that points to ABC-SUPPORT. When you navigate to http://support.company.com/, it automatically redirects you to http://support.company.com/trackit/ --> http://support.company.com/trackit/Account/LogIn?ReturnURL=/trackit/ (this is the web-interface logon for Technicians).

For Self Service (a web-interface front-end for your average Joe User where they can submit support requests/tickets/work orders, find a knowledge base, and information about their computer), a user would have to go to http://support.company.com/trackit/SelfService. How would I go about having selfservice.company.com point to that address (or rather, BE that address)?

I am considering making support.company.com be the front-end Self Service web-interface for users, and someotheraddress.company.com be the web-based interface for Technicians. I just need to know how I can make a subdomain = application in IIS.

Help would be very much appreciated, thanks!