If you use a Synology NAS, don't upgrade to vSphere 5.1


[H]F Junkie
Mar 16, 2001
Heads up..a lot of people are having trouble with Synology DSM 4.1 and vSphere 5.1. Trouble as in..can't even boot a VM due to storage timeouts. Hold off until there is a fix from Synology.
Heads up..a lot of people are having trouble with Synology DSM 4.1 and vSphere 5.1. Trouble as in..can't even boot a VM due to storage timeouts. Hold off until there is a fix from Synology.

I saw this over on KC's blog while riding the train in this morning (where he mentions you confirming the problem ).

This really throws a wrench into my home lab plans. Any general impressions from past experience on how long it may take Synology to come up with a fix? The fact that Kenny says he made them aware of the issue about a month ago doesn't sound too promising.
Well... I'll be honest. I had a good talk with Synology at VMworld and they at the time they didn't even have 5.1 beta to test. No clue how that happened since they are on the HCL. They should have had access. So they haven't been able to test long. I would expect to see a fix soon. They are usually on the ball. They were when Apple changed auth mechanism for Time Machine and broke a lot of NAS vendors. They got theirs fixed very quickly.
They thought this wouldn't hit the xs line of NAS (like I'm testing). While I'm not getting errors in the vmkernel or vmkwarning log files...I've found that VMs do stop working. So if you're using any Synology do NOT upgrade to vSphere 5.1.

Also..this isn't just DSM 4.1 but also at least 4.0.
There has been a lot of this online, it's unfortunate for them, but who's fault actually is it? Synology or VMware?

If this is broken for Synology, there must be issues for Netgear and other providers too?
If this is broken for Synology, there must be issues for Netgear and other providers too?
I've seen it mentioned that the problem (at least where block/iSCSI is concerned) may be due to how VAAI is implemented. The problem could possibly be limited to Synology since they are the only player in this part of the NAS market attempting VAAI (I think.)

I haven't seen anything on what may have broke NFS datastores with 5.1 but I don't think Synology ever formally supported NFS. I'm not 100% sure that's the case since I've only been following this stuff a short time.
Synology fully supports NFS datastores and this is a Synology problem. It's not VAAI...well..it's not on the NFS side. There is some VAAI oddness going on with the iSCSI side. Synology has been sending out test patches and so far it's fixing the issue.
NFS is defo fully supported by Synology.

Thanks for the update NetJunkie regarding the test patches available and that they are successful.

Fingers crossed.