IE9 Release Candidate Hits 2M Downloads


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Microsoft announced earlier this week that downloads of its newest browser surpassed the two million mark. The overwhelming interest could indicate another record breaking release for Microsoft. The IE 9 Beta, released in September, had over 20 million downloads to date.

Those currently using IE9 beta will be prompted to replace that version with the RC this month, but it is also available as a manual download.
I would assume the "overwhelming interest" would be due to the fact that it shows up as an important windows update.
It's not bad, but what's up with IE9's font rendering? They look overly chunky, as if Microsoft is trying OS X-style smoothing, but poorly so.
I would assume the "overwhelming interest" would be due to the fact that it shows up as an important windows update.

Funny cause I don't see an RC showing up in my Windows update unless of course you been using the Beta then it might show up as an update. Other than that I'm thinking you actually have to go to their website to D/L the RC/Beta.

I used a real early Beta and thought it was definitely a step in the right direction, maybe I'll try out the RC to see how far it's come since then.
I wonder how many of those downloads are web designers/developers preemptively testing and fixing the impending breakage :D
Most of them. I only downloaded it for testing purposes.

Though that would be pretty much a given seeing how it's just the RC/Beta. Why else would anyone D/L it other than for testing?
Sure, its been downloaded many times, but what is the uninstall rate? It was buggy and too streamlined for my tastes.
Sure, its been downloaded many times, but what is the uninstall rate? It was buggy and too streamlined for my tastes.

Beta or RC? The beta was a tad buggy for some stuff, but the RC has been stable in almost everything i've done. Noticed some odd things with flash video playback but that is all. Although that is why they need people to try the software. People try it, fine bugs, report them and they fix them. Anyone that wants to bitch about a beta piece of software having bugs shouldn't be using beta software to begin with.
I personally love IE9 and have been using it since Beta. I didn't like Ie6-Ie8 but I love Ie9. Someone mentioned it was too streamlined which is exactly why I love it. Firefox feels like a bloated hog to me. I like how fast chrome is but I keep going back to Ie9 for page compatibility. I don't know I loved Firefox 1/2 but I never liked 3 nor do I like 4, they took the speed out of the browser to put in crap I don't want and which slows the browser down evidently as it sure doesn't operate as fast as the older versions.
Does it have Noscript and a functional version of Adblock Plus? No?

Firefox it is.

Sigh, it has ad blockers, including a built in tracking protection lists feature and per-site active-x filtering. As far as scripts, I prefer a sandbox (which IE9 has and FF does not) because 1. not all exploits are script based and 2. if you ok a script on some web site because it looks trustworthy but is not, then you are pwned. Happens frequently with server injection attacks and so on, I mean how do you know a script is REALLY trustworthy unless you personally review it and have technical expertise to declare it safe? Sandbox > script blocking, imo, as a sandbox contains ALL bugs.
Sigh, it has ad blockers, including a built in tracking protection lists feature and per-site active-x filtering. As far as scripts, I prefer a sandbox (which IE9 has and FF does not) because 1. not all exploits are script based and 2. if you ok a script on some web site because it looks trustworthy but is not, then you are pwned. Happens frequently with server injection attacks and so on, I mean how do you know a script is REALLY trustworthy unless you personally review it and have technical expertise to declare it safe? Sandbox > script blocking, imo, as a sandbox contains ALL bugs.

Where? are you referring to a 3rd party adblocker, because I have IE9 and don't see it.
It's not bad, but what's up with IE9's font rendering? They look overly chunky, as if Microsoft is trying OS X-style smoothing, but poorly so.
It's bi-directionally anti-aliased now, but they need to work on the biasing a bit (dark backgrounds + text = really bad stuff). Overall I think it looks quite a bit better than it used to.
Im not sure which one I like better. Been playing with this one for a little while and downloaded Chrome 10 today.

Think I like the bigger tabs and interface of IE9 better but Chrome is a little faster and has the built in spell check I so desperately want.
I strongly disliked the beta, but I've actually liked the RC so far.

RC fixed a lot of problems that the beta had with our websites at work.

Not a big fan of how it handles mixed content sites.. but they change that every f*cking IE version anyways. Makes support end users a PITA when we can't just give them all the same answer for displaying mixed content.