Idioms Lost to Tech

Dozens of record stores in the town I live in still doing fine. In fact, there has been a huge resurgence in record collecting over the last five years. Perhaps it's do to some hipster bullshit but still, records are far from extinct.

Yeah, I stop by Bills Records and Tapes in Dallas to browse what he has in stock. A ton of bands still put out limited releases of their stuff on vinyl.
I've never seen a punch card aside from in a museum behind glass. You could just ask me how old I am though if you really want to know that badly.

One line of code will look like this: -


You have to carry a pack around, with lots of elastic bands around them.:(
(Myself, I have been around for about half a century of your Earth years.:eek:)
One line of code will look like this: -


You have to carry a pack around, with lots of elastic bands around them.:(
(Myself, I have been around for about half a century of your Earth years.:eek:)

Wow, I'm never seen one before and I'm in my twenties.

My High School still uses floppies as though they were brand new (I went back a year ago to get my transcript).
Wow, I'm never seen one before and I'm in my twenties.

My High School still uses floppies as though they were brand new (I went back a year ago to get my transcript).

Each row of dots across the width of the tape is one byte or character: -


A 64GB USB Flash drive put onto tape or card will probably weigh a few tons and fill your house.:eek:
6. "Hot off the press"

Status: Extinct

Yup, it used to be exciting to get something brand, spanking new. Something so fresh, it was "hot off the press." But now, the printing press has joined the CRT monitor, rotary telephones, and cassette tapes in the annals of technologies pushed out by faster, more efficient, high-tech replacements.

There is more printing going on in the world today than there was 30 years ago. Though, nobody reads newspapers.

To: = you should pay attention to this
cc: = you might find this interesting (but not high priority)
bcc: you might find this interesting but I don't want others to know I sent it to you

bcc: should also be used for very large lists of users so you dont get email address spammed, if you are not using an email system that supports groups

And BCC should NEVER be used for groups on an email system that supports groups.
One line of code will look like this: -


You have to carry a pack around, with lots of elastic bands around them.:(
(Myself, I have been around for about half a century of your Earth years.:eek:)

protip, mark it with a series code (like 11/25, 12/25, etc)...that way if the rubber bands fail, you're not totally fucked.
An early PC: When Persons were Computers: -


Once, "Computer" was a name of a job. Then, sometime later, someone invented an “Electronic Computer”.:D
Each row of dots across the width of the tape is one byte or character: -


A 64GB USB Flash drive put onto tape or card will probably weigh a few tons and fill your house.:eek:

Paper tape and a teletype machine is what I learned on. Ascii pictures ruled. Telephone modems with acoustic couplers. :D
The card stock and paper tape holes would have made incredible confetti to balance precariously in a bucket over a partially opened door. :)

Anyway, thank you for sharing a bit of computing history with us young pups, DW-UK. I do enjoy it when I glean something of value from a forum since such events are indeed rare.
Idioms are dead metaphors. If you really are comparing someone to a broken record, it's a metaphor, not an idiom. "You sound like a broken record" only becomes an idiom now that record players are obsolete.
With whom? It's so old school. I would have an iPad for that if I wanted to gain street cred, "bro". :D

When I have the choice, I prefer to read on paper. Easier on the eyes.

Yes, a fabulous iPad would gain street cred with the OG's. Hint: you can't hide a gun in a rolled up iPad.