ide cable to the motherboard


Apr 26, 2007
im not sure if this is the right thread to post this in but im just wondering i almost got all the parts to hook up everything in my computer and i noticed that the IDE cable has a little hole in it by the blue plug that goes into the motherboard. i have never seen anything like this here are some pictures that i took with my cell phone so maybe it will help to see what i am talking about. the pictures are really bad quality but you should still be able to see what i am talking about in them.

btw the one hard drive that i have is going to be SATA so the ide cable is only going to be used for optical drives dvd-rom and a dvd burner both of them are sony.
Manufacturing defect or something sharp in the box pressed against it causing the damage. The cable might work fine, who knows, but I would put finding a replacement on my list of things to pick up next time I was somewhere that sold them.

If you have a vise and small tools you could cut the cable (sharp sissors will do, before the defect and carefully disassemble the connector and reapply it, its not all that hard but its easy to break them. the vise is used to press the two halves of the disassembled connectior back onto the cable, it can be done with pliers as well , it just depends on your skill level.
it doesnt seem like its damaged it just seems like theres a piece missing in the cable for just one wire. i heard from someone else that its to make the end connector master when the jumper is set to cable select on both of the drives. it might be a defect but it seems to precise of a break in just one wire to be that.
This is Normal! That hole is how the MB knows where on the cable the drive is plugged into. If you use Cable Select and 2 hard drives one of the drives has to be master and one slave, and this depends on where you plug the drive into the cable, I do not remember which is which as I don't normally use cable select but I do know that most IDE cables have that little hole between the 2 connectors that goes to the drives.

Some cables dont have a hole, they just snip the end at the connector for that perticular wire.