Icons up and vanished like a fart in the wind


Oct 22, 2012
my wife just sent me a message saying all the icons are gone and the background has turned to black. she said it was fine 2 hours ago and the next time she saw it they were gone.

my 18 month old loves reaching up and playing with the keyboard and mouse. could she have done something to delete ALL the icons and change the background?
right click -> view -> show desktop icons maybe, not sure about why the BG would go though
right click -> view -> show desktop icons maybe, not sure about why the BG would go though

yup, that did it. im pretty sure grabby hands did that while mommy wasn't looking :D

not sure how she coulda blacked out the background though. no biggie!
Scan the system when you can.

A virus will do that stuff also. It might not have fully loaded into
the system.

Just FYI