Ice storm photos


Nov 6, 2003
These are a few photos of the ice storm we're having. I'll be going out later tonight to get more, at least if it stops raining. These were all shot with the S2 Pro, Sigma 50mm, monopod.




More to come...
dude wow... florida sucks...

I hate you (well really I envy you... but its become hate I think... friendly hate ofcaorse)

props on the last one... I like that one a lot.... maybe do a black and white version?
Every school in Vermilion county except Danville schools, First Baptist in Danville and Oakwood got out at like 12 yesterday, I was so mad :(

It seems like they never let us out, just so they can get their money..

A few trees out by our field got too heavy and broke from all of the ice, and its snowing again too. I hope all the snow melts and freezes into ice tonight so we dont have school tomorrow :cool:
Ouch, that sucks. I went to Uni High back in the day, so we always got out when the university decided to close down, and they just love closing down. :)

There are a bunch of large branches down around here (8" or so, tops), but I haven't seen anything too destructive-looking.

Anyway, on with the photos. I did a pretty hasty job processing these, but hopefully they're still enjoyable. You can find the whole set here.







Some of these are fairly large; apologies for that. A lot of the neat detail doesn't compress so well in JPEG.
Try getting a picture of a chain linked fence, my neighbors have one and it looks like a solid wall of ice at the right angle, its pretty cool. Really shiny too with the sun.

edit - sorry, didnt see that one you had lol
I tried to get something like that in this shot:

Sunlight has been hard to find for the last two or three months. Even with all this ice, nothing really seems to sparkle with such oppressively overcast skies. :(
Yeah man thats awesome. At the county airport, they have a fence thats about 3 miles long next to the main road, it looks pretty cool too.
Can I take good pictures? No
Is my camera spiffy? No
Do I care? No
Do I live in Florida? Yes
Was this taken 5 minutes ago? Yes


From the dude who doesn't own snow tires.
Haha someone from my home town! :D That's a nice pic actually!

Got a question for HorsePunchKid, what kind of camera did you take those pictures with? Just wondering since I'm considering a SLR camera in the future. The pics are just so awesome!
JessAlba452 said:
Got a question for HorsePunchKid, what kind of camera did you take those pictures with? Just wondering since I'm considering a SLR camera in the future. The pics are just so awesome!
I took these with the camera we have at work, details here. It's a Fujifilm S2 Pro, and I used a Sigma 50mm or Nikon 18-35mm in those photos. It's great, but it's not exactly a consumer-level camera. The new S3 Pro is about $2500; I don't have a current figure for the older S2 off the top of my head, but it was about that much new. I saw your thread, and I imagine something like a Digital Rebel is more appropriate, though you might also consider a Nikon D70 or Olympus E300.

MeanieMan said:
...From the dude who doesn't own snow tires.
Consider me jealous. :(
HorsePunchKid said:
I took these with the camera we have at work, details here. It's a Fujifilm S2 Pro, and I used a Sigma 50mm or Nikon 18-35mm in those photos. It's great, but it's not exactly a consumer-level camera. The new S3 Pro is about $2500; I don't have a current figure for the older S2 off the top of my head, but it was about that much new. I saw your thread, and I imagine something like a Digital Rebel is more appropriate, though you might also consider a Nikon D70 or Olympus E300.

Consider me jealous. :(

Thankies a bunch! :D