IBM x3250 and VMWare ESXi


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 11, 2002
So I have an IBM x3250 that I have installed ESXi on, but for some reason this thing won't get a DHCP address. I plan on putting a static address on later, but for now a dynamic address is fine. I can put in a Static address, but I get no network connectivity. I try the tests in the console and nothing.

Any ideas on what I can do to troubleshoot this? It is VMWare ESXi 4.0 with the IBM customizations, and I have tried ESXi without the IBM customizations.

after the machine boots, and you get the ESXi screen with the PRESS F2 notation on it (for administration), press F2. Once in there, go into networking (I can't recall the exact line item name), and make sure the adapter is enabled. I saw this just a few weeks ago at a clients office. They upgraded the host ESXi version, and although the IP was still listed on the screen after it booted, the adapter that the IP was assigned to was not enabled. An "X" means it's enabled, blank ( ) means disabled. Double check. I saw a sys admin go nuts over this for an hour before I had a chance to look at it.

That you can give it a static IP, and get no connectivity tells me there's no physical connection. Assuming the physical links have not changed (and the NIC is cabled to the switch, etc), I would lean towards a disabled adapter. The lack of ability to pull a DHCP address also suggests this as being the issue.
Was going to post the same thing as sabregen. I've seen that a few times.

Other alternative is misconfigured VLANs, but assumed you weren't running those.
Nope no VLANs yet. What sabregen posted was close to what happened. I forgot this server has two NIC cards. The server is being re-purposed from being an Internal Web Server to being an ESXi server for temporary external hosting. We bring our new external facility online tomorrow, and have a client to put in there that has to be live by the 15th.

Internally we were using a single NIC, but the server has two. The NIC being used was the 2nd NIC, not the first. ESXi was enabling the first one, but not the second one. I enabled both, then recabled to use the first one.

So it was pretty much what Sabregen said. Now I know better for next time.

Thanks guys!