i7 920 enable or disable HyperThreading?


May 31, 2003
I wanted to know if you guys enable or disable HyperThreading on i7's?

What are the gains? I heard it's better to keep it disabled for gaming but some apps actually use HT.

What do you guys do? On or off?
IMO the difference is negligible, but maybe that's just me. Most of the games I play are limited by the graphic card anyway.

I leave mine on.
It depends - i overclock my i7 930 from 2.8 ghz to 4.2 ghz. i have to turn off hyperT because my cooling system (H50) when testing with linx and p95 pushes the temps above 80c. With it off, Im down to the low 70c and even 69c on a cold day. Now that it is summer its up around 73ish. In real life aka gaming, my temps usually stay around 60c which is good for the cpu long term.

If you are not overclocking or just slightly overclocking, then ok to turn on. Just stress test your system and ensure temps remain below 80c, preferably low 70c.
I leave it on for 8 thread computing capability, and I overclock my 920 C0 to 3.6ghz - cooling with Coolit ECO A.L.C.
I leave it on. Could I overclock higher with HT off? Possibly, but what would that 200-400 MHZ gain me? Very little, not to mention it would hurt my multitasking ability.
off, because some games does makes a difference, HT on will lag the crap out of the game or stutter..
Leave her on! Mines under water so I don't really have to worry about it raising temps too much.

Plus dude, it's all about the ePeen! 4ghz with HT sounds better than 4ghz...:p
doesnt make a difference. you will run perhaps 10 or 12c cooler at load with it disabled, and possibly get a higher clock speed. but this is just nickel and dime shit.
I wasn't able to keep my i7 920 stable at 4ghz with HT on. I kept HT on when my oc was at 3.6ish, but my temps went way down (8-10 degrees) with it HT off. I was also able to keep my proc at default voltage for my 4gz oc without HT.

Where we are now in games, I think there is only one that will benefit from hyperthreading, and that Napoleon: Total War. The game benefits from 6 cores, so you will probably get a few more frames from hyper threading in this game. Until more games come out that use more than 4 cores, I won't be turning my HT on.
I wanted to know if you guys enable or disable HyperThreading on i7's?

What are the gains? I heard it's better to keep it disabled for gaming but some apps actually use HT.

What do you guys do? On or off?

I think it all depends on your temps because the Hyper-threading engine runs at twice the speed of the physical processor or core.
Off, most programs are slightly worse performance with it on, though you probably wont notice the difference. A few programs run quicker with HT on, if you use those particular programs a lot then you might want to have it on.