I want to upgrade I want to upgrade I want to upgrade


Limp Gawd
Aug 15, 2001
(laying face down on floor, kicking feet and beating fists)

when will AMD 939 be released
when will MBs with PCI-E be here
when will the new Video cards based on PCI-E arrive
when will NForce3 250 mature
What ever happened to BTX

gime gime giime.. I need I need I need:p

been waiting, waiting, wanting, waiting:D

They said wait till April my Precious... is they lieing to us Precious

ok..... that is out of my system, have a great weekend all
Well Gollum, :D

I think that most of that stuff should be out by this Fall, but, I wouldn't buy then though. I would wait for prices to fall and also wait until that stuff is tested and is actrually preforming good first.
Originally posted by Quester
(laying face down on floor, kicking feet and beating fists)

when will AMD 939 be released
when will MBs with PCI-E be here
when will the new Video cards based on PCI-E arrive
when will NForce3 250 mature
What ever happened to BTX

gime gime giime.. I need I need I need:p

been waiting, waiting, wanting, waiting:D

They said wait till April my Precious... is they lieing to us Precious

ok..... that is out of my system, have a great weekend all

First off...chill

Seccond, What is your rig now? Can you actually wait for the prices to fall on these things? Or are you willing to pay a premium
So upgrade, then. It will take some time for the bugs to get ironed out of all this new tech anyway. Stop waiting and buy stuff. You know you want to. C'mon, everybody else is doing it. What, are you chicken?
I'm definately in the same boat, although I do have one question for ya about waiting for PCIe:

If there are no video cards, why wait for the boards and if there are no boards why wait for the video cards?

Sure, PCIe will come out probably sometime this year. But a) you wont see any performance increase and b) AGP is long from dead

If you're worried about upgradability, don't be. AGP will be found on motherboards for at least another 2 years.
Originally posted by intercollector
I'm definately in the same boat, although I do have one question for ya about waiting for PCIe:

If there are no video cards, why wait for the boards and if there are no boards why wait for the video cards?

Sure, PCIe will come out probably sometime this year. But a) you wont see any performance increase and b) AGP is long from dead

If you're worried about upgradability, don't be. AGP will be found on motherboards for at least another 2 years.

Just to make sure I have a good idea of what you're saying. . .

explain "you wont see any performance increase"
Originally posted by AR
Just to make sure I have a good idea of what you're saying. . .

explain "you wont see any performance increase"

The AGP bus already has too much bandwidth for current games. The bus from the CPU to the graphics doesn't have very much data for current games. The only thing that is really intesive is games that have a complex physics engine, in which case the CPU needs to do a lot of computations, and send a lot of data to the video card.

But look back to the transition to AGP 8X over 4X. There was basically zero increase in performance. Not much has changed since then, so the switch to PCIe is also going to show no benefit.

PCIe is really good for improving bandwidth to PCI cards. But with most motherboards these days becoming more and more feature-filled, we are in fact going in the opposite direction. Expansion cards will be less and less common, and will only be used for very specific stuff.
takes a deep breath... (sign)

currently I have an XP 1700 O/C to a XP 2200 with a EPoX 8k9a MB, cheap cheap generic DDR2700 1Gb RAM and a ATI 9500Pro O/C to like 330Mhz RAM and GPU all air cooled.

It works... but when all that really new good stuff finally arrive... I am going to jump all over... the stuff 1 year old because it will be cheap.

yes, I am cheap and stay about 1 year behind the tech curve...

I want a 9800Pro.. new MB.. perferred a NForce2 type, better quality RAM.. but until the 9800pro drops below $200 I will be waiting.
That $ vaule is the sign I am waiting for that says... YES ! upgrade !
Here is a good system that will last you a while...

2400+Mobile (easily oc's to 3200+ and above)
NF7-S mobo
1GB PC3200 RAM $190
9800Pro $210

All that for around 600 bones
Originally posted by intercollector
The AGP bus already has too much bandwidth for current games. The bus from the CPU to the graphics doesn't have very much data for current games. The only thing that is really intesive is games that have a complex physics engine, in which case the CPU needs to do a lot of computations, and send a lot of data to the video card.

But look back to the transition to AGP 8X over 4X. There was basically zero increase in performance. Not much has changed since then, so the switch to PCIe is also going to show no benefit.

PCIe is really good for improving bandwidth to PCI cards. But with most motherboards these days becoming more and more feature-filled, we are in fact going in the opposite direction. Expansion cards will be less and less common, and will only be used for very specific stuff.

You got it. People are so excited about pci-e and btx cases they forget btx wont improve more than a few degrees c (if even) and pci-e is overkill.

(btx cant be better than sitting your motherboard in the open, and even that isnt much of an improvement from a well ventialted atx case)

all this kind of reminds me of rambus.
You got it. People are so excited about pci-e and btx cases they forget btx wont improve more than a few degrees c (if even) and pci-e is overkill.

Yes!! finally someone will say it!! The emperor has no clothes!!

I may hook up on PCE and BTX and DDR2 in two years when I upgrade. Even then it depends on the case. There is no way a small BTX case will be cooler than a full tower ATX case with 6-8 fans. I _like_ my ATX case.
Originally posted by Captain Rehab
Yes!! finally someone will say it!! The emperor has no clothes!!

I may hook up on PCE and BTX and DDR2 in two years when I upgrade. Even then it depends on the case. There is no way a small BTX case will be cooler than a full tower ATX case with 6-8 fans. I _like_ my ATX case.

I agree.

Although, I too was caught up into the excitement of the new stuff (PCIe, DDR2, BTX, etc) mainly because all of the current version of this stuff (PCI, DDR, ATX), is getting old and it would be nice to have a nice refresh. But when it comes down to it, none of them really will help performance to the end user. Not for at least 2 or 3 more years at least.
yeah. i want to buy a btx case, this month i decided not to buy a new "atx" case, and wait for it. how long until btx cases are here?