i want to ask for my employeer to pay for me to get some certs before the end year..

Apr 10, 2002
yeah.. basically my employeer offered me quite a bit less money than i was expecting for my "interim network administrator" job. but i figured that i will let that happen since it is a short term job.. but i do want them to pay for me to get some kind of education durring the time i am working here.. i plan to go back to school in mid january... so what kinds of certifications could i ask for them to pay for me to take classes for?

i could get A+, but that one is almost a joke..
i dont' really know all of the offical m$ certifications.. but i figure since i am the network administrator, it can't hurt to get one or a few..

and furthermroe.. i am in the washington DC area.. what is a good place to go and get this done?


wait... so i am trying to remember your previous thread...

so you want an employer to invest getting you education and training, for a new position you just started, and will only be at for 6 months?

why? It wouldn't make sense for an employer to invest in that.

Outside of that, MCSE is ok. I think its 6 exams at 125 each. I don't remember you running any cisco gear, so it might be hard to justify any type of entry level cisco cert.
A+ and Network+ are almost worth getting just so you can exempt your electives on your MCSE/MCSA.
Darthkim said:
wait... so i am trying to remember your previous thread...

so you want an employer to invest getting you education and training, for a new position you just started, and will only be at for 6 months?

why? It wouldn't make sense for an employer to invest in that.
Ditto. Although some employers are cool about this kind of stuff, and will pay for your certs regardless of the situation, they are few and far between.

You need to come up with a good reason financially why it's a good idea for them to pay for your certs. Otherwise, I'd suggest doing it on your own. The tests themselves usually aren't too bad ( the mcse are what, 100 bucks a pop? ).
XOR != OR said:
Ditto. Although some employers are cool about this kind of stuff, and will pay for your certs regardless of the situation, they are few and far between.

You need to come up with a good reason financially why it's a good idea for them to pay for your certs. Otherwise, I'd suggest doing it on your own. The tests themselves usually aren't too bad ( the mcse are what, 100 bucks a pop? ).

MCSE exams are $125USD x7 =)
oakfan52 said:
MCSE exams are $125USD x7 =)
That's still not too bad. And honestly, I've found better results when people have had to pay for these things themselves.

But anyway. :)
bluey424 said:
A+ and Network+ are almost worth getting just so you can exempt your electives on your MCSE/MCSA.

The combination does not exempt you from an elective in MCSE. You would have to take A+ and Security+ for that.
ok.. does anyone have a list of the microsoft certs? mcse is 7 what? seperate smaller certs? or 1 big one? i guess i should look for a website, (probably microsoft.com) to find out more about this.. i will a bit later tonight..

also.. couldn't it be tax deductible for them to pay for some of my education or osmething? or not really? that's what i was thinking.. but i don't know where i got that idea...

also.. since i did kinda thread crap and post 2 similar threads, i will try to keep it all to this one.. but i am not sure.. i think learning something website related would be more beneficial.. because i can make websites from anywhere.. and it will also give a better long term benefit to my employer because i can work on their website from ohio but i can't do anything else from there really..
A+ AND Net + = 1 MCSE Elective
Security + = 1 MCSE Elective

but you can't use all 3 for 2 electives.
MCSE is comprised of 4 core tests 1 operating system specific test and 2 electives.

Upon completing any 1 test, you become a MCP: Microsoft Certified Professional.
Upon completing the 4 core tests, you are a MCSA: Microsoft Certified Systems Admin
You need all 7 for the MCSE: Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer

I am currently doing a MCSE track for 2003. I am taking the 4 core Server 2003 tests, I am going to take my XP Pro operating test probably next month, and because I am A+ and Net +, I only need to take 1 elective test.

Personally, I wouldn't bother going to a school for training. I blew $15,000 going to New Horizons for A+, Net +, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, SCNA and CNA. The classes are boring and just basically reading out of the book.

You are better off purchasing books and videos from Microsoft Press, Transcender and Exam Cram and paying for the tests out of pocket.

I would only recommend a training center or school for Cisco since their hardware is expensive.
PawNtheSandman said:
A+ AND Net + = 1 MCSE Elective
Security + = 1 MCSE Elective

but you can't use all 3 for 2 electives.


A+ & Net+ = 1 MCSA Elective
A+ & Sec+ = 1 MCSE Elective.