I want G80 SLi but not to spend $1,300

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My take......Vista retail/OEM in Jan or Feb
Crysis, which would be the first "killer app" for dx10 in Feb or March

I would need to put together a system worthy of the G80......say one of those spanky nVidia 680i MBs, a Core2 67 or 6800, and a single G80 to start????
Hell by that time the 8900 cards will be out, then maybe I can retire my 7900GTX system.

I think you'll need some muscle to drive the 8800 cards plus some heavy wattage......the SLI card costs may just be the tip of the iceburg. :D

I like SLI. But I think its going to mandate some expensive gear this next go-around.
it was a joke buub, where's your sense of humour... and i happen to be an SLi user myself if you didnt notice.
Endurancevm said:
OMGWTFBBQPRICEGOUGE. Well nVidia has a monopoly on the "DX10" market until the R600 comes out. Then, they will lower the price, and then and only then will i get a 8800GTX or GTS. I am not about to pay nVidia 2x more than what the card should actully cost.

give me a break - those are standard prices, MAYBE the G80 could sell for 550, but that would be very low considering it should easily be the fastest card available
why should the fastest card available be nessearily over $600. I still believe your CPU should be the most expensive single piece in your PC.
madgun said:
it was a joke buub, where's your sense of humour... and i happen to be an SLi user myself if you didnt notice.
Sorry, you were joking. And I didn't mean to single you out. But the little jealous socialists who ramble on about the "e-penises" of anyone who is simply willing to spend more than them. . . gets a little old.
Get last years top of the line sli, it will be cheaper and games will just then be using the cards features. ;o)
Dan_D said:
If you don't want to spend $1300 you won't get G80's in SLi. That is all there is to it. Actually I'd imagine it will be closer to $1400 at first. $649.99 per card, plus tax and shipping should put that right around $702 (depending on sales tax) shipped to your door. So you better get ready to spend $1400 if you want the best. If not, you don't want it bad enough or can't afford it.

Not only that, but if the rumors on the power requirements are true, then the Power Supply may also need an upgrade to support the new cards in SLI.

But like others said, thats the price it will cost to get on this ride, either pay up, or wait till cheaper/lower-end versions come out.

and people in hell want ice water!

if you want G80 sli, you are going to spend well over 1000 bucks and even more if you need new PSU, or motherboard etc...

so they say a good 450 watt for a single GTX, how much for two of them? I just got me a nice 600 watt silverstone PSU, quad 12 volt rail, 18amp each yada yada yada!
larkin said:
why should the fastest card available be nessearily over $600. I still believe your CPU should be the most expensive single piece in your PC.
Depends on what the primary use for the system will be. If all you want to do is run 10 year old DOS games and Excel spreadsheets like no other, then put the fastest CPU you can afford in and forget about the GPU.

But if you were wanting to play games with cutting-edge graphics, then the CPU is not so much important as the GPU(s). Today's games are much more dependant on the graphics subsystem than the CPU nowadays.
larkin said:
why should the fastest card available be nessearily over $600. I still believe your CPU should be the most expensive single piece in your PC.
Because that's what the market dictates that people are willing to pay.

Could they price it lower and sell more? Yes. Could they price it higher and sell less? Sure. But they will find the happy medium between those points where profit is maximized.

Might seem harsh on the face of it since the consumer would always prefer to pay the least amount possible. But the benefit to us is that these things actually exist. It's profit that motivates NVIDIA (and every other hardware manufacturer) to produce and constantly improve these things that are so dear to us. In a world without free markets, there would be no computer gaming, DVD players, HD, etc. :D

yes yes thanks for economics for kindergardeners. the fact of the matter is no company knows the right price point for certain, nothing is guaranteed. I'll remind people i wasn't actually expecting to change the price by posting this thread (lol) but i maintain that the projected $650, if accurate, is still a gamble on NViDIA's part. Yep, profit is where it's at but just because some "non DOS game" playing people will pay anything for the newest thing doesn't mean that pricing the card at, say, $800 , would be the best price point. What i'm saying is their suggested price can be critisized, if you are a consumer who doesn't ever question price you are just a dumb consumer and mine as well sign over your house and 1st born to nvidia.
larkin said:
Yep, profit is where it's at but just because some "non DOS game" playing people will pay anything for the newest thing doesn't mean that pricing the card at, say, $800 , would be the best price point. What i'm saying is their suggested price can be critisized, if you are a consumer who doesn't ever question price you are just a dumb consumer and mine as well sign over your house and 1st born to nvidia.
Who said it couldn't be criticized? Who said I'd be willing to pay $800? More importantly, NVIDIA won't price it at $800 because then they wouldn't maximize their profits.

You're awfully touchy, man. Nobody has said that you can't say: "That's too much, I'll pass." But expecting to "whine" your way into NVIDIA's heart and convince them to lower the price just because you really want it is naive at best and probably counter-productive since you're just confirming how hungry the market actually is for their product.

The best way to send a message to them that the price is too high is to not buy it. If enough people do that, they'll conclude that their (probably exhaustive and accurate) market research was in error and lower the price. But if you grudgingly pay the price because you just can't wait, then they are justified in the high price.

It amaze that a simplistic PC post with a unrealistic expectation generate so much heat :rolleyes:

You want to get the fastest ? Fork out the money or forget about it, we're not gonna help. This is a attitude of a kid who wanted candy at all cost.
Wow some of you guys are boring, and way too literal.
Mine as well mark this thread dead cause it's not the fun I thought it would be, first I have to point something out.

Hurin, for someone with such a similar signature to mine you are quite oblivious

Hurin said:
But expecting to "whine" your way into NVIDIA's heart and convince them to lower the price just because you really want it is naive at best and probably...
larkin said:
I'll remind people i wasn't actually expecting to change the price by posting this thread (lol) but i maintain that the projected $650, if accurate, is still a gamble on NViDIA's part
You replied AND quoted this post ---^^^^
are you freakin :rolleyes: stupid man.

Hurin said:
NVIDIA won't price it at $800 because then they wouldn't maximize their profits.
How do you know that lol, how do you know $550 isn't theprice to maximize profits, what makes you think $650 is? cause NVIDIA said so? you are whipped and haven't stated a single opinion of your own.

This was suppose to be a thread for people who share the view that sli g80 would be great but the price is quite tragic... i wasnt actually asking for help noobs.
Xilikon said:
It amaze that a simplistic PC post with a unrealistic expectation generate so much heat :rolleyes:

You want to get the fastest ? Fork out the money or forget about it, we're not gonna help. This is a attitude of a kid who wanted candy at all cost.
at all cost? is that the attitude? actually that is the attitude of people who will pay for the "candy' AKA video cards at all cost. My post specifically is saying NOT at all costs.

damn, is there a separate section of the forums for people who went to high school or better
larkin said:
at all cost? is that the attitude? actually that is the attitude of people who will pay for the "candy' AKA video cards at all cost. My post specifically is saying NOT at all costs.

damn, is there a separate section of the forums for people who went to high school or better

If you believe it's overpriced, try to get hired by nVidia yourself then dictate the right price !!! The majority will laugh at you, me included. You said the CPU should be the most expensive component ?? Then your logic is really flawed since a GPU has much more transistors than a CPU and companies spend billions in R&D (http://sify.com/finance/fullstory.php?id=14164843) and they need to recover the costs somewhere ;)

CPU can be sold in tens of millions so they can lower the price of each one. GPU isn't sold in millions, especially top end stuff so the costs is spread on a lower scale.
Xilikon said:
If you believe it's overpriced, try to get hired by nVidia yourself then dictate the right price !!! The majority will laugh at you, me included. You said the CPU should be the most expensive component ?? Then your logic is really flawed since a GPU has much more transistors than a CPU and companies spend billions in R&D (http://sify.com/finance/fullstory.php?id=14164843) and they need to recover the costs somewhere ;)

CPU can be sold in tens of millions so they can lower the price of each one. GPU isn't sold in millions, especially top end stuff so the costs is spread on a lower scale.
This is the last noob correction of the day, i'll come back again tomarrow or later tonight for flame retort.

(edits out profanity and derogatory remarks) First off, noob, the 1 billion nvidia spent is since it was started in 1993. Intel has spent over 22 billion in just the last 4 years (http://www.fabtech.org/content/view/1673) I guess CPU's should be 22x more expensive then by your thinking. Secondly, there are about the same amount of CPUs sold as GPU's. Have you ever bought a computer without a display? No. Intel produces 50% of the GPU's in use today. Your thinking is sucky, you smell, go home.

:eek: :cool:
You replied AND quoted this post ---^^^^
are you freakin :rolleyes: stupid man.
Oh, joy. . .name-calling. I still said that (despite your post) because I think you realize your initial post was silly. So you're now back-tracking and claiming you didn't mean anything by it or have any goal in mind. But, personally, --and your posts as this thread has gone along tend to bear this out-- I think your goal was to get a lot of people complaining about the price in some lame attempt to "prove" that NVIDIA is pricing it too high. Now, you can say you didn't really expect it to have an effect. . . but that just makes it so that you were either whining to no purpose, or whining with a (silly) goal in mind.

How do you know that lol, how do you know $550 isn't theprice to maximize profits, what makes you think $650 is? cause NVIDIA said so? you are whipped and haven't stated a single opinion of your own.
If you think NVIDIA doesn't have detailed, highly accurate market surveys, then I can't help you. They, as a company, have a lot more motivation and resources directed at getting this price set "correctly" than does some random geek on a hardware forum who just knows he wants something, but obviously doesn't want to pay a lot. And, again, you seem to want to make this thread "evidence" that they are wrong to price it so high. But, of course, you have no goal here. . . riiiight. As I said, staying away from a high-priced item is a much more effective message than saying: "Me wantie! Cruel, cruel world!"

But, really, I'm sure some guy at NVIDIA is reading this thread and will say: "My God! Larkin says that we'll make more money if we lower the price! Genius!" You are, after all, totally competent to judge such things and have no vested interest in not paying more for it.

This was suppose to be a thread for people who share the view that sli g80 would be great but the price is quite tragic... i wasnt actually asking for help noobs.
Yes, yes, everyone here including the [H] staff are just simplistic morons who misunderstand you. So, now, of course, you're taking the high intellectual road by calling people names.

Let me stoop to your level: Your thread sucks. It's pointless. You're just whining. And now you're just swinging about wildly at people and nit-picking because you realize that you're coming off as a whiney little moron. . . so you're in "attack mode" now.

Lol, it's the last time I will reply to a real n00b...

You may be right that no computer is sold without any graphics sub-system. However, you said that Intel make up the 50% of the GPU market so the 22 billion$ is proportional to the amount of CPU/GPU/Chipset and other IC Intel is making compared to only GPU/Chipset for nVidia. You just fell on your face with your own lace ;)

High-end GPU market amount for a very small portion of the market and the price is relative to the amount of components sold ;) Your attitude is precisely the same as kids who complain things is expensive when there is plenty of cheaper alternatives around (lowering the resolution, be more reasonable with the graphics settings and accept the tradeoff between performance and eyecandy). Nobody is shoving the SLI G80 up your throat so you have NO RIGHT to complaint.

EDIT : Hurin is right, you are struck at your corner after painting the room floor with stupid comments. Admit you are wrong and get on other things... I will not bother retaliating to your subsequent flaming since that will only get you banned from the forums for flaming and stating stupid comments.
Xilikon said:
Lol, it's the last time I will reply to a real n00b...

You may be right that no computer is sold without any graphics sub-system. However, you said that Intel make up the 50% of the GPU market so the 22 billion$ is proportional to the amount of CPU/GPU/Chipset and other IC Intel is making compared to only GPU/Chipset for nVidia. You just fell on your face with your own lace ;)

High-end GPU market amount for a very small portion of the market and the price is relative to the amount of components sold ;) Your attitude is precisely the same as kids who complain things is expensive when there is plenty of cheaper alternatives around (lowering the resolution, be more reasonable with the graphics settings and accept the tradeoff between performance and eyecandy). Nobody is shoving the SLI G80 up your throat so you have NO RIGHT to complaint.
Okay I lied, I am going to reply.

Let's decide to gloss over all the ways your reply before this one was wrong (with the 1 million gpus only stuff and all the rest) and let's focus on how you are wrong again shall we. the 22 billion spent was focused on their CPU development, NOT their GPU development. I threw in the fact that intel makes 50% of gpu's just cause it was likely another fact that you were ignorant of. The 22 billion on CPU research doesnt mean, OH YUH, that's why they dont jack the prices up on their stuff. Man, you are the kid and everyone else who thinks poor nvidia needs to survive so we have "NO RIGHT" as you say LOL!!!! to question their prices. You are a zombie, you mine as well work at burger king and do whatever commercials tell you to. I am of course not here to get you on the right track but rather to laugh at you inability to realize how bent over you are to the every wish of the corporate world.

Oh, let me ask you a question directly before you make a reply with more incorrect crap to mask your previous incorrect crap:
You are 100% satisfied with the price of the G80? Seems you should either think it's too much, too little or just right. And if it's just right i'd like to hear why you think that... actually who care what you think lol
larkin said:
yes yes thanks for economics for kindergardeners. the fact of the matter is no company knows the right price point for certain, nothing is guaranteed. I'll remind people i wasn't actually expecting to change the price by posting this thread (lol) but i maintain that the projected $650, if accurate, is still a gamble on NViDIA's part. Yep, profit is where it's at but just because some "non DOS game" playing people will pay anything for the newest thing doesn't mean that pricing the card at, say, $800 , would be the best price point. What i'm saying is their suggested price can be critisized, if you are a consumer who doesn't ever question price you are just a dumb consumer and mine as well sign over your house and 1st born to nvidia.
Just to clear things up....
It's people with money that can afford to buy the latest and greatest GPU's. In all reality, I'd guess probably 80% of these early adopters don't need the upgrade. I don't spite anyone that can afford to do so. It's their money, afterall. And I certainly can't spite Nvidia for pricing a product at a point that they know they'll get that much for it. This has always been the nature of the consumer market, not just the graphics world.

I'm not one to upgrade the instant a next-gen GPU is released because my "non DOS games" will run just fine with what I have for a long time to come. I've made it a rule to never spend more than $250 for a GPU. Multiply that by 2 (for SLI) and I've spent $500 on just my graphics cards.

Now comes the part where I state a few rhetorics that I've taken the liberty of answering...
Is it expensive? Hell yes.
Is it worth it? Hell yes.
Can I make a decent portion of that money back when I go to sell them? Hell yes.

$250 still seems like a lot of money for a graphics card to me. Hell, but I can't complain. I remember when the original GeForce256 came out it was $400+ back in the day, if you could find one in stock. Now given the power of a GPU nowadays from the same manufacturer, an additional $250 to that seems like a wash.

Yes, todays top of the line graphics cards are expensive as all can get out. But we all need to keep this in mind: Top Of The Line. Remember those good ole 3DLabs GLiNT 3D cards back in the late 80's/early 90's? Those went for a few thousand bucks each.... by comparison, the $650 price point for a top of the line graphics card today is cheap. And will out perform anything made to date.
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