I took a chance on a westinghouse 37"


Aug 8, 2004
I am glad I didnt listen to what some people on here were saying about it being blurry or whatnot. I even went to bestbuy and hooked up a laptop to the 32 inch version (all they had in stock) and it WAS VERY BLURRY.. But i took a chance, figuring the 37inch had higher resolution and I am so impressed.. Not only is this thing HUGE its crystal clear. The pictures dont look as clear as it really does. It must be my camera's fault.. You can see how the picture's resolution isnt the best when you look at the third one, and see the pacific fighters case on the right.. it looks blurry..

All i can say is if you are considering this monitor, GO FOR IT!

And I will certainly take what i read here with a grain of salt from now on..
That looks awesome. What resolution are you running it at?
Why dont you remove the speaker from the monitor since you have that Klipsch system? Maybe take a pic after removing the speaker so I can see what it looks like? =)~

Are you using the 1080P DVI input?
i'm really considering this monitor for my next system.. pls post some more pics w/ ingame :)

btw, where did you buy the monitor?
That's what i call a computer screen of my near future.

But why didn't you buy two ?


what resolutions can you game at clearly ? Does it blur on every other resolution except 1920 x 1080 ?
I had one of these... but I took it back because it had 12 (yes, literally 12) dead pixels.

It was nice while I had it though... Battlefield 2 and HL2 looked great on it. I sure could spot enemies a lot easier in BF2 :)

I also felt that it was a little too big for me. I sit about 2.5 feet from my monitor and I just felt like the thing was bad for my eyes. I also hated the fact that the speakers make the display sit up off the desk quite a bit. The speakers are removable, but I didn't remove them so I don't know if you can lower the display or not. But the way it comes by default, it was far from being at eye level.

I ended up getting a 2405 for a good price, so I'm using that ATM. I'll probably upgrade to the new Dell 30" when they put them on sale though.
Nice TV but as a monitor i'd pass. What's the resolution on that thing? 1280 X 768? Real estate -wise it's a real let down (imo "real estate" refers to the amount of pixels a panel displays, not the physical size of the display).

If i did nothing but watch movies and play games i'd be in seventh heaven with this panel, but 768 pixels tall is just not enough for decent graphics editing/layouting.
Line Bender said:
Nice TV but as a monitor i'd pass. What's the resolution on that thing? 1280 X 768? Real estate -wise it's a real let down (imo "real estate" refers to the amount of pixels a panel displays, not the physical size of the display).

If i did nothing but watch movies and play games i'd be in seventh heaven with this panel, but 768 pixels tall is just not enough for decent graphics editing/layouting.

It's 1920x1080, hence the 1080p bit. It's the same resolution as the Dell 24", and older apple 23" cinema display. You just have to sit a bit further back from it so you don't have to turn your neck so much :)

Yes, but they are 16:10, and the Westinghouse is 16:9, so they are the same resolution. :p
IanG said:
It's 1920x1080, hence the 1080p bit. It's the same resolution as the Dell 24", and older apple 23" cinema display. You just have to sit a bit further back from it so you don't have to turn your neck so much :)

Ok i see, didn't know what 1080p was either so thanks for clearing that up, the screenshots must be showing a lower resolution then maybe? I know i can fit 13 icons from top to bottom in a 1280 X 1024 res, and i only see 9 big icons fill up the screen in those screenshots.
KungFuJoe said:
I also felt that it was a little too big for me. I sit about 2.5 feet from my monitor and I just felt like the thing was bad for my eyes.

yea that sounds way too big for that distance

I have a 26" widescreen lcd and I prefer to be about 4 feet back (measuring from my eyes to the screen)
Looks awesome! Thanks for posting up the review and the pics. I am really looking into this for a monitor also and read alot, however, not too many people posted pictures. I am planning on using this for a lot of racing games. How is the response time on it?
Line Bender said:
I know i can fit 13 icons from top to bottom in a 1280 X 1024 res, and i only see 9 big icons fill up the screen in those screenshots.
desktop icon sizes are changed in the display properties control panel ;)
What are good resolutions for gaming on that monster?
Does it blur on every other resolution except 1920 x 1080 ?
Sorry I haven't replied sooner.. It is not as sharp on other resolutions, but not really blurry.. Just not as crisp! I had a gateway crt 21 inch that i have been using since 1998 and i always set it to 1024 x768 so thats what I started at and i thought to myself, "this just doesnt look quite right". Then i switched (per the instructions in the users guide) to 1280 x 768 and it looks awesome.. just as clear as my old monitor but MUCH BIGGER!
I also switched the resolution in BF 2 and HL 2 and FEAR to that res as well and it just looks flawless...

For the person who asked about racing games.. I really love "Flatout" and have been playing that on it and its great.. no slowdowns are anything like that..

I sit way to close.. about 2.5 feet.. and its good, and i havent seen any dead pixels, but when i sit on the couch about 10 feet back and play Flatout, or MVP 2005 its just amazing!!!!
Anything else i can answer, just ask.. and for those who said too big.. you must be joking..LOL
glad to read you enjoy the monitor. i've alreay gotten used to mine and i'm startin to feel that 37in isn't enough :eek:

hm maybe a 50+ is next on the list....