I think my fan layout is wrong?


Feb 9, 2010

I'm not an expert when it comes to cooling so I'll ask you guys this:

My case (Antec Three Hundred) Came with two case fans pre-installed. See fig. 1. This is of course as seen from the side of the case.

My question is: If I'm not mistaken, both fans are installed so that they suck air OUT of the case. Is that the correct way to do it?
I thought you'd have perhaps Fan A sucking air out and Fan B pushing it in so that you get a current over the CPU. (I'm also assuming that most/all CPU fans push air onto the CPU).

My PSU is at the bottom and has a fan on its top, I haven't found out yet which way it transports the air, is that important?
And of course the video card has a fan too...

I'm looking forward to your advice!

I have build several systems using the Antec 300, a case I love.

The default fan configuration is perfectly fine. It will pull air through the front and side of the case and exhaust out the top and back. They're big quiet fans that move a lot of air.

As for the PSU you should be OK with it in its current orientation too. The fan in the PSU will most certainly blow air through the unit and out the back... so in your scenario down and out. However, there should be a gap at the bottom of the case if you were to turn the PSU over, though I doubt it would make a difference.
(I have mine with the fan at the bottom for aesthetics.)
The way I have always understood it the CPU fan draws air into the heat sinc to cool it off. This is why I have a side intake hole on the side on my NSK4480B mini tower with a retractable plactic tube that extends to the CPU. The GPU I found is different. When I place my hand under my video card and air feels like it is blowing out of my fan. This could be dependent on brand models but I honestly think GPU fans are supposed to suck the hot air out from the card. Am I wrong here? Case fans either draw air in or draw air out depending on location (front or back).
I think the configuration that allows for the best temperature dispersal would be fans in the front pulling in air and then fans in the back and top of the case pushing air out. You can set up your CPU heatsink fans accordingly to move with your air flow. And yes, GPU's vary in what fan method they use. My 5770 spits all the air out of the back of my card... Beneficial because the hot air coming off the card gets expelled outside of the case instead of circulating around inside heating up other components.
Antec 300's stock fan alignment is fine. I got a good 4-7C drop when i switched from a case that sucked with cooling.