I need suggestions for routers

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May 27, 2005

My Linksys 4-port router just busted on me after 2 years. Really left a bad taste in my mouth since it was supposely the best one in the market. It was really expensive when I got it too.

Would someone please suggest me a good-enough and inexpensive router? One that is wired and has enough ports to hook 3 computers. Able to support broadband (DSL).

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: By the way, are there any routers that will support 56k modems too? Not for sharing the line, just for protection.
Linksys WRT54g has been recommended time and time again on these boards. One unit dies and you have a sour taste about a brand? You better start getting used to it, because quality of consumer level routers varies dramatically.

56k modem for protection? Care to elaborate on that?
Linksys WRT54g has been recommended time and time again on these boards.
READ the message again! WIRED! The WRT54G is WIRELESS! Also, it is not inexpensive.

One unit dies and you have a sour taste about a brand? You better start getting used to it, because quality of consumer level routers varies dramatically.

Appearantely, someone choose to be a fucking smartass over this simple request.

If you really must know the answer, then it is: YES! A damn unit dies on me that I spent about $100USD at the time of purchase from Staples on claiming to be the BEST in the market after 2 years leaves a sour taste. Wow! 2 lousy years. That is some 'quality'! Maybe in YOUR terms, a 2 years worth router is considered 'good'.

56k modem for protection? Care to elaborate on that?

READ the fucking question again, you PRICK! It's the router that is for protection, not the modem!

If you cannot read, nor help, don't fucking answer, Asshole. You deserve this blunt reply. Go cry to the mods, Bitch.
Alrighty, someone needs to learn that when asking for help or advice - it's not all that smart to come off sounding like the very thing you charged IceWind with being - a prick.

With that being said, you can get a WRT54G for $40-60 - exactly how /inexpensive/ are you talking? And oh by the way - just because it is wireless, does not prevent you from turning the wireless features OFF. It might cost you $10 more than the bargain basement wired router and you'll have wireless features if you ever want to use them down the road.

As for two years from a consumer grade router? Good run, get used to it... poor designs, wavering production plants, questionable components, lackluster firmware - these are all common with consumer grade routers and the differences will vary between manufacturer and even by model.

If you're looking for cheaper than $40-60, I'd say your best bet would be to either cruise the bargain aisle at your local tech store or get enough spare parts together and put together a linux box. You could also do a wired network products search and sort by price on Newegg.

Now I would suggest that if you wish to keep posting here you develop some understanding and the ability to not snap at the drop of a hat. If you are going to ask vague questions, you will get vague answers - doing searches before posting something like this also helps.

And yes, there are routers out there that support 56K dialup as a backup or fail-over type of connection but unless you want to build a little linux box and configure it yourself, they are quite considerably outside of your price range. If you meant something other than that, you should have elaborated.
wuya said:
READ the message again! WIRED! The WRT54G is WIRELESS! Also, it is not inexpensive.

Appearantely, someone choose to be a fucking smartass over this simple request.

If you really must know the answer, then it is: YES! A damn unit dies on me that I spent about $100USD at the time of purchase from Staples on claiming to be the BEST in the market after 2 years leaves a sour taste. Wow! 2 lousy years. That is some 'quality'! Maybe in YOUR terms, a 2 years worth router is considered 'good'.

READ the fucking question again, you PRICK! It's the router that is for protection, not the modem!

If you cannot read, nor help, don't fucking answer, Asshole. You deserve this blunt reply. Go cry to the mods, Bitch.

Kid, you just made the best of threads list. If your post was a sticky people would be laughing at you for as long as it stayed at the top of the page. I wonder if you realize just how stupid you just made yourself look. If not, then.....very stupid.
Way to harsh reply. Not cool.

Wrt54g are cheap and good, think of the wireless as thrown in for free. Otherwise check newegg and search the wireless routers sorted by user ratings.

wuya said:
READ the message again! WIRED! The WRT54G is WIRELESS! Also, it is not inexpensive.

Appearantely, someone choose to be a fucking smartass over this simple request.

If you really must know the answer, then it is: YES! A damn unit dies on me that I spent about $100USD at the time of purchase from Staples on claiming to be the BEST in the market after 2 years leaves a sour taste. Wow! 2 lousy years. That is some 'quality'! Maybe in YOUR terms, a 2 years worth router is considered 'good'.

READ the fucking question again, you PRICK! It's the router that is for protection, not the modem!

If you cannot read, nor help, don't fucking answer, Asshole. You deserve this blunt reply. Go cry to the mods, Bitch.
I've also had several Linksys units die - units run in a cool operating environment with full line protection...so there is something to be said for the quality of components that go into these things.

That being said, I've actually taken a liking to Dlink stuff - the company is a bit like Linksys used to be, in that they're a bit more enthusiast friendly.
wuya said:
Appearantely, someone choose to be a fucking smartass over this simple request.

READ the fucking question again, you PRICK! It's the router that is for protection, not the modem!

If you cannot read, nor help, don't fucking answer, Asshole. You deserve this blunt reply. Go cry to the mods, Bitch.
wuya gets three days off to reflect on the "no flaming" rule here.
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