I LOST MY JOB!!! Now I'm selling it ALL.

Cheiftech closed.jpg




What do you do exactly? Obviously you have a computer... just tell 'em you are brushing up on the latest tech in case they need some pointers on their next server upgrade... or something... that sucks :(
Also: I see pics of the shuttle but no prices... specs please? I may be interested...
sorry, I was selling my shuttle earlier, but have decided that I'd be better off to keep it.

I was just a scribe for meetings.

That paid the bills. That's gone.

I am a computer technician; I build and repair systems for people throughout Illinois and in parts of Missouri.
Bump because you lost your job. :( I might buy something if you part out on the chieftec package.
got a pic of the laptop bag? Also, got how much warranty left on the laptop drive?
are you negotiable on prices? I know they are rock bottom low already. But ya know.. I am intersted in that compaq keyboard. All i want is the keyboard.. no mouse. Since i have a MX300.. but yea.. how much for just the keyboard?
not sure on the warranty...i'll have to check.

pics of bag: i'll take them tomorrow morning.

dvamon: it's still available....although shipping will be a bitch (i have no boxes for it, i'd have to look around for one)

JrCamacho: it wouldn't drop the price much of anything...I'm basically adding in the mouse for free anyway.
wow...waht Power Supply do you have that is running 10 hard drives and a cd-rom?
PC Power & Cooling custom built 450W. (puts out more than any 650W in everything except the +12V)

I'll let you know later, devil. I've not yet figured it all out.
willing to sell just that, i need a damn powerfully PS with lots of molex connectors, and that seems to make the grade
Wow If I could sell my LCD and CRT I would *almost* be able to justify buying that amazing LCD.. bump for you man.

actually Im in the market for another natural keyboard... that wouldnt happen to be USB would it? Need usb for my laptop.
Hey man,

Holy crappy luck dude. Almost got canned last year for the same shit. Spent 5 of 9 hours a day on [H]. They need to put a warning out to people, that it's much like crack and very addictive and expensive.

Wouldn't happen to take payments on the LCD? I'd drive to illi to get it. LMK

JrCamacho said:
are you negotiable on prices? I know they are rock bottom low already. But ya know.. I am intersted in that compaq keyboard. All i want is the keyboard.. no mouse. Since i have a MX300.. but yea.. how much for just the keyboard?

Did you just ask a man that just lost his job, trying to makes ends meet to lower the price of his $10 keyboard?

Well i am sorry, But i thought that the price was including the mouse and if it was removed that it would be cheaper. IMHO the price was already low. Ive never boughten a keyboard before so i have absolutely no idea how much they cost ( i usually got them from older computers like my compaq). So I apologize for the mis understanding.
Aww Man, real sorry to hear that
couldnt convince them you where honing your skills?

well...everything in the list and photos?
what would you want for the USB to RS232?
Im kind of strapped myself but it does look tempting
Does the price on the MS natural multimedia keyboard (15.00) include shipping? if so, I will take it.

shoot me a pm

I could sell it, Viper....but it'd be almost 90 bucks. I paid 225 to get it built for me, and it's not seen that much time powered up. (Ordered it for a server I never built) Still, half the price of a new PC-Power & Cooling...whatever. I can be talked down a little, but not much. I <3 the PSU.

most of those prices don't include shipping....shipping is typically just $5. (I'm hoping to sell more than 1 item at a time)

Unfortunately, the keyboard is PS2(which is why I'm not using it)

ICE: I thought I had it listed...but that must have been an old FS/FT list. Retail is 45.....how's 20 shipped?

I'll check, bestbuy sucks. It did fit my T42P...I'll try to run to Best Buy and see if it will fit an M6805.
thanks trucker, I'll get it out this morning.

and as for the bags,

In your sig it says you are looking for a job and i see you are in IL since that is pretty close to IN where i work out of going to have you e-mail me and i'll see about maybe getting your resume looked at closer.

I'm the lead tech for ohio but i can talk to the lead tech in Indiana we do work all over the US right now my group works mostly with www.anthem.com right now. The company that we work for is www.trasys.com

send me a private msg and i'll get my address out to you hopfully we can see about getting you some work always looking for good people

no dead pixels.

I bought the LCD in....2002. It's not been used (other than 2 LAN parties) since this year started.

so, 1 year warranty left.

Before you think about paying, I need to find a box to ship it in...don't now how much shipping would be.
Allright sounds good......if you can find something to ship it in (or know if the UPS type store can help you), then I call dibs and will take it off your hands.
damn, awesome deal on an awesome monitor. I've had mine since 2002 as well. Would love to buy a second one and trash the 17" Sony on my other workstation. Bump for a great deal. Good luck on the job front.


I was fired.

I'm not screwing around making up some lame excuse to get more views or anything. I mentioned my being fired because I NO LONGER HAVE A SOURCE OF INCOME, AND I HAVE BILLS THAT I HAVE TO PAY! Add in the fact that i was saving up for an engagement ring...it's not a good time for me financially.

Everything I have here is from my home network.

I built this server a month ago to store my mp3s and stuff on so I could access it from all my systems.
Report him. It specifically states that you cannot thread crap on someone's thread and this constitutes as one.

NecessaryEvil said:
I'll let you know later, devil. I've not yet figured it all out.

Thanks Evil, and my condolences on your loss. Especially with you coming up on getting engaged. There's a kick in the pants. Jesus, axing you for [H] usage is increda-lame. I'd understand if they saw you were browsing pr0n, but a hardware forum?
I think I'm going to split the server up starting tomorrow.

I'll be looking at 55 per 80.

the Rocket Raid for 75.

but, I've not thought too much about it yet.