I have a Versalink, Have questions on Wireless Networking


Limp Gawd
Oct 28, 2004
I have verizon dsl, 3.0mbps down. I have the Versalink modem/router with built in wireless but I have read that the wireless on this modem doesnt work. Anyway, I would like to know how I would go about setting up a wireless network card to work with this modem. Also a link to a cheap one would be great. I looked at the FAQ, it didn't have an exact answer to my question so I thought I'd just post it here. Sorry if the answer to my question is right in front of me.

If this router/modem is garbage like I have read, then a link to a router /wireless package for cheap would be great. I don't want to spend more then $50 on this, I am building myself a new rig and don't want to spend a ton of money on networking. Thanks if you answer my question.