I have a big feeling ATI will not be able to 2X performance

Apr 13, 2004
The 6800U is extremely impressive doubling performance over a 9800XT (in most tests i've seen anyway) and humiliating the GFFX. Can ATI double the performance of a 9800XT which they sell for $599CDN now? If they can, great, driver releases will become the extra important factor for both companies as they try to untap everything if a neck and neck race ensues. I just can't see it right now though, I'm sure it will be fast but not 2X. ATI will possibly delay a bit more and shoot for a June/July release as anything less than a 6800U will be a kick in the ass.
how can you speculate about if or if not it will have 2x the performance when you know absolutely nothing about the core. sure you might of heard about clock speeds but what about the effeciency of the gpu ? Prime example is compareing amd vs intel cpu... amd is much faster per clock cycle however, intel can run at much higher speeds to compensate. regardless im just glad new cores are showing up soon in the stores.
If it does turn out to have 16 big, fat, greased lightning pipes they should be ok :D
Originally posted by Shane
how can you speculate about if or if not it will have 2x the performance when you know absolutely nothing about the core. sure you might of heard about clock speeds but what about the effeciency of the gpu ? Prime example is compareing amd vs intel cpu... amd is much faster per clock cycle however, intel can run at much higher speeds to compensate. regardless im just glad new cores are showing up soon in the stores.

I don't ever remember seeing a leap as big as a 9800XT/5950U > 6800U. By the numbers we've seen it’s like comparing a TNT2Ultra to a GF3Ti500 and then some! Honestly, the numbers on some of the tests are unprecedented and the biggest generational leap I have ever seen. NV went balls out with this chip and I hope ATI is able to come close, I just can't see how the R420 will/can/could be faster than a 6800U.
Only thing I am certain of is that if you buy a 6800U you should be pleased with it's performance.
I think ALL these threads should stop untill ATi's card comes out. Untill then you willl hear the same argument over and over.
Originally posted by AlienRobotBoy
I don't ever remember seeing a leap as big as a 9800XT/5950U > 6800U. By the numbers we've seen it’s like comparing a TNT2 to a GF3Ti500 and then some! Honestly, the numbers on some of the tests are unprecedented and the biggest generational leap I have ever seen. NV went balls out with this chip and I hope ATI is able to come close, I just can't see how the R420 will/can/could be faster than a 6800U.

not very openminded........i guess thats due to your 8 post count
its very simple to out perform that card............
although if the ati card is 12x then its doubtful it will out perform it but then they could pull something outa their asses and i hope they do.
but this post is just a flame war waiting to happen lets kill it now
It's been stated that NV sent out samples months ago that had 8x2 pipeline design and 300MHz core speed, and ATi likely designed around that.

If so, ATi may have to ride out an NV30 of their own for the next 12-18 months.
OKAY FOLKS. Here it is...the answer you've all been waiting for.

This is how it's going to turn out, the X800pro will be faster than the 6800np and the image quality will rock nvidia. Ofcourse the Ultra will womp the 800pro.

When the XT comes out, I'll bet we'll see a slight edge over Nvidia in performance, not by much, again the image quality = better.

Honestly it'll will be up to you guys to decide which card you want. I think I'll stick with ATi because of their aweeesome DX9 abilities compared to all the problems Nvid has been having in that area.

It just seems ATi is looking forward while Nvidia is trying to give you a bunch of unwanted/unneeded bells and whistles.

Don't get me wrong I'm no fanboy of any company ever since NV30 and that whole schpiel.
True no point in arguing no one knows for sure till XT comes out but i'm sure both cards will be great for gaming.
Originally posted by Sojuuk
not very openminded........i guess thats due to your 8 post count
its very simple to out perform that card............
although if the ati card is 12x then its doubtful it will out perform it but then they could pull something outa their asses and i hope they do.
but this post is just a flame war waiting to happen lets kill it now

I had no intent in starting a flame war, sorry.
Originally posted by AlienRobotBoy
I don't ever remember seeing a leap as big as a 9800XT/5950U > 6800U. By the numbers we've seen it’s like comparing a TNT2Ultra to a GF3Ti500 and then some! Honestly, the numbers on some of the tests are unprecedented and the biggest generational leap I have ever seen. NV went balls out with this chip and I hope ATI is able to come close, I just can't see how the R420 will/can/could be faster than a 6800U.

:rolleyes: Were you asleep when the 9700pro first came out? it was about the same leap in performance.
I'm buying whatever doesnt sound like aircraft taxiing at LaGuardia Airport, as of now the 6800u is out. ATi you're my only hope. :p
I don´t think the X800XT will be twice as fast as the NV40 either :D

Anyway we don´t even know the real performance of the NV40 yet so it´s hard to tell. It´s obvious not all 59XX optimizations have been removed yet just look at the Far Cry/Lomac screenshots and that 3DMARK score is guaranteed having some shader optimizations left. Hopefully the new drivers that is released at the same time as the NV40 releases will give a better view of the NV40 performance and also be able to use to compare image quality against the X800.
Originally posted by Shapeshifter
:rolleyes: Were you asleep when the 9700pro first came out? it was about the same leap in performance.

I just re-checked the numbers, I guess you're right. The leap numbers are still a bit better for the 6800U but close.
Originally posted by AlienRobotBoy
I just re-checked the numbers, I guess you're right. The leap numbers are still a bit better for the 6800U but close.
well when the 9700pro came out, this was the first real time that people could use AA and get good FPS, now if you look at what Nividas best was at the time (Ti 4600) it was painfully slow in alot of cases.

So it was just about the same leap then as it is now.
Originally posted by Shapeshifter
well when the 9700pro came out, this was the first real time that people could use AA and get good FPS, now if you look at what Nividas best was at the time (Ti 4600) it was painfully slow in alot of cases.

So it was just about the same leap then as it is now.

The quality was superior all-around...I know because I had both cards on computers and the difference was impressive. Better-looking to begin with, then turn on AA/AF that was previously impossible, and it was still plenty faster. The 9700 Pro was a revolution, unlike the evolution many new generations take. Even if someone can say the 6800U is a bigger leap performance-wise, the quality leap is not as great and it's still in doubt about the card's influence. It might very well take gaming to the next level, but what if the XT does as well? The 9700 Pro stood alone for a decent amount of time. I guess my point is, performance is only part of the discussion.

But as a lot of these guys said...there are a lot of thing still in doubt. I don't think you can simplify it to a single question and a single factor. Performance, as we have seen in the previous year, is dependent on many factors. Certainly the 6800U is impressive but once a card is made, it is reasonable to assume another card of equal performance can be created. But even the definition of "equal" is a tough question.
Originally posted by Orbius
I'm buying whatever doesnt sound like aircraft taxiing at LaGuardia Airport, as of now the 6800u is out. ATi you're my only hope. :p

Too bad all reviewers said the card is quiet. Nice try fanboy.
Originally posted by Veniosis
OKAY FOLKS. Here it is...the answer you've all been waiting for.

This is how it's going to turn out, the X800pro will be faster than the 6800np and the image quality will rock nvidia. Ofcourse the Ultra will womp the 800pro.

When the XT comes out, I'll bet we'll see a slight edge over Nvidia in performance, not by much, again the image quality = better.

Honestly it'll will be up to you guys to decide which card you want. I think I'll stick with ATi because of their aweeesome DX9 abilities compared to all the problems Nvid has been having in that area.

It just seems ATi is looking forward while Nvidia is trying to give you a bunch of unwanted/unneeded bells and whistles.

Don't get me wrong I'm no fanboy of any company ever since NV30 and that whole schpiel.

Wait, I don't get it. ATi is looking forward and NVIDIA isn't? Most rumors seem to say the NV40 has more DX9 support. What does r420 have that is "looking forward"? Also, DX9 shaders are anywhere from 2 -5x a 9800XT in performance. The NV40 has been proven to be an insane DX9 card.
Originally posted by Sojuuk
not very openminded........i guess thats due to your 8 post count
its very simple to out perform that card............
although if the ati card is 12x then its doubtful it will out perform it but then they could pull something outa their asses and i hope they do.
but this post is just a flame war waiting to happen lets kill it now

What does his 8 posts have to do with anything? Man, I'm glad I don't need to gain self confidence in life looking at my "post count", lol! It's quality, not quantity.
Personaly, I beleive the performance between ATi and nVidia will be similar, both in IQ and speed. It may well turn out that ATi has the slightly better IQ while nVidia keeps the raw speed as it was for many years preceeding the r300/nV30. Too early to tell as we havent seen all the players on the feild yet. So until then it is nothing but speculation and fanboy rants. Right now I am seriously looking at the 6800U to replace my 9700 Pro on my nForce board since I have always found it ironic that I use a nVidia chip MB with an ATi chip graphics card.
I think he means that he's not been around long enough to be a jedi [H]arder.
Now if I could only quote all of you.

Anyways, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. Everybody just needs to stfu already and stop saying "oh I know ati will be faster" or "ati has no chance". Since you guys are just basing everything on bullshit anyways, your opinions are worthless to me. Personally, I'm glad nvidia has made a good solid card. It shows that they realize their fx series sucked. Will Ati have a good response? I don't know nor do I see any point in speculating.
I have this feeling in my gut, could it be diahrea?


Anyone else getting tired of all these speculative threads? You can speculate all you what, it won't change the fact that the card will run how it will run when it's released.


Mr. Pain
lol am I the only one who read that xbitlabs article on the new r420 that ATI said it would be 3 times faster than their current top (the 9800 XT).

So I'm waiting to see how it looks before saying which is the best, no fanboy, money where the performance is :), and long as it isn't a cheat giving it a higher number, i'll wait abit for good comparisons and all the cheats if any to be found :).

Originally posted by DaveM
lol am I the only one who read that xbitlabs article on the new r420 that ATI said it would be 3 times faster than their current top (the 9800 XT).

I read something along those lines, but I don't remember where. :( I seem to remember it being a quote from Dave Orton somewhere...
Originally posted by evilchris
What does his 8 posts have to do with anything? Man, I'm glad I don't need to gain self confidence in life looking at my "post count", lol! It's quality, not quantity.

you don't find it coincidental that some of the largest flame threads are started by people with only a few posts? It has nothing to do with post = super leet geius, or whatever. It DOES have to do with respect. People who have posted quite a bit over a long period of time obviously enjoy this forum, and don't post too much over inflamatory stuff since they plan on staying in for future and don't want to be know forever as that "asshole flame poster". "Newbie posters have nothing to care about, as they'll just start another account, or leave, and never be heard from again. There's no community with those types, just a penchant for tryign to insite people. Anyway, obviously that's only a small minority of posters, but that's what he meant.
Originally posted by conscript
you don't find it coincidental that some of the largest flame threads are started by people with only a few posts? It has nothing to do with post = super leet geius, or whatever. It DOES have to do with respect. People who have posted quite a bit over a long period of time obviously enjoy this forum, and don't post too much over inflamatory stuff since they plan on staying in for future and don't want to be know forever as that "asshole flame poster". "Newbie posters have nothing to care about, as they'll just start another account, or leave, and never be heard from again. There's no community with those types, just a penchant for tryign to insite people. Anyway, obviously that's only a small minority of posters, but that's what he meant.

Funny, I don't see a flame war in this thread at all, just a discussion.

The only flaming I see are the posts that state "you have 8 posts so you suck and have no respect for anyone and are trying to start trouble". Give me a break :rolleyes:
Everyone starts out a newbie. It's not like you hit 100 posts and all of a sudden go from Satan to Mr. Ihaverainbowsshootingoutmyass.
Originally posted by Vagrant Zero
Everyone starts out a newbie. It's not like you hit 100 posts and all of a sudden go from Satan to Mr. Ihaverainbowsshootingoutmyass.

No shit. Post counts are lame, I prefer forums that don't list them at all. People get hard ons for post counts and titles.......

ON AN INTERNET FORUM! LOL! Whatever people need to have self-worth I guess..

Brent/Kyle/any other mod: Can you make my post count perma 0 ? I don't need large numbers next to my name to feel "important".
Originally posted by AlienRobotBoy
Funny, I don't see a flame war in this thread at all, just a discussion.

The only flaming I see are the posts that state "you have 8 posts so you suck and have no respect for anyone and are trying to start trouble". Give me a break :rolleyes:

hey, don't look at me, I didn't post it. Just making a rational argument on why it's said over and over and over again....:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Vagrant Zero
Everyone starts out a newbie. It's not like you hit 100 posts and all of a sudden go from Satan to Mr. Ihaverainbowsshootingoutmyass.

and btw, I had rainbowsshootingoutofmyass at around 80 posts, so there's no exact criteria :p