I have a 9700 non pro... Should I upgrade?


Limp Gawd
Dec 17, 2002
Just curious. I just purchased Unreal tournament 2004 and it plays fine. I run it at 1024X768 with everything turned up to maximum. I dont have AA on though. How much of a performane increase can I expect if I go to a 9800 pro? Thanx in advance.
The performance difference between a 9700 Pro and a 9800 Pro, isn't huge. I would hold onto your 9700 Pro for now and wait for the next gen cards to arrive in the next few months.
Thanx, but remember, I dont have the "pro" version of the 9700. Will that make a difference?
A little bit. I have a 9700NP running at 325/310, which are essentially 9700 Pro speeds. It's still a fast card at stock speeds (275/270), but it asks to be overclocked.
it would be better to hold on to your card for a while than spend your money for a lil performance increase